I knew it would happen the minute President Obama's first (and hopefully last) choice to the U.S. Supreme Court was made public yesterday.
Oh, who could be surprised that Sonia Sotomayor is a liberal extremist; that was a given going in to the opportunity for the President to pick Associate Justice David Souter's replacement. The parade started the minute Souter's letter arrived at the White House saying he wanted to retire. I didn't think it would be too bad to swap one liberal for another liberal.
But, the more I found out about federal judge Sotomayor, the more I cringe. She says one thing and yet her voting record is replete with a philosophy that mirrors the President.
Now here are some things to worry about:
* Conservatives have already been warned from the left that we better treat this woman with kindness and just vote her in; she's going to have the votes no matter what in the Senate, so just accept that conservatism is still dead.
* Conservatives also beware for another big reason: This Latino, a first if she is approved, now is the most powerful member of this coveted voting group and ripping into her in the judiciary committee hearing would lose even more Latino votes than in the presidential race dominated by Obama.
OK, now it's my turn: I am not a conservative because I worry about these things. I am a conservative because of my beliefs and I think the true test if what I do BEFORE the vote to accept or deny. Now, I am terribly bothered by what she has already said. If this is not a liberal pit bull then I've never seen one. Personally, I am sick and tired of bowing down to minority groups just for votes. That's why I could never be a politician. Minorities must realize that they have been used -- and abused -- over promises for votes and what happens? They are used and abused.
I, for one, would vote against her just from what I've learned in the last week or so.
It also scares me that there is a feeling in politics that goes something like this: Accept this woman for what might happen later after her confirmation. No, no, no. Again, I would not compromise my core beliefs. Period.
Stay tuned.
This is going to be interesting. But, as much as I worry about this choice, if Obama has a second or third choice, that's when my concern level goes through the roof.
(You can reach me at my new blog site: mike@mikeflemingonline.com. Spread the word.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
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Just because she is a woman does not mean that she should automatically get a pass and just because she is Latino, does not mean that she should get a double pass. I hate quotas of any sort and this smacks of quotas to me. At least "W" got the best conservatives he could. Obama is not getting the best one out there by a long shot, liberal or otherwise. Republicans are going to have to quit running scared and speak up, vote with conviction, stick together, and quit snipping on talk shows about every foolish thing. They need to get down to the business of trying to save what is left of our United States of America from further erosion of domocracy and capitalism.