Thursday, June 11, 2009

Un-Health Disaster

Understand one thing about President Obama's zeal at instituting national healthcare: It will bankrupt this country. Book it. It will not work. Can't work. Forget it, is my prescription.
Here is why: The Obama administration and most liberal Democrats believe it will save us from ourselves.
As I said, hogwash.
Obama says there is nothing to fear, because if you choose to keep your old healthcare -- the current form -- then what's not to like because you're merely given an option.
Consider this, something they won't admit: The government part of the package will cost far less. Sounds good, but don't be fooled by it. This is what I predict will happen. People on in today's programs will run -- not walk -- to join the government program. Result? National healthcare that simply will not work.
I haven't gone into all of the details for good reason. It's complicated enough, but when you offer something for less, the stampede is on.
Our healthcare system has many problems, but it's still the best in the world. Add to that examples of national healthcare in Canada and Britain are proof enough that you back the liberals in this deal and you get the biggest headache this country has ever experienced.

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone remember what we did long ago without health insurnace? My parents simply took me to the doctor and they paid for it on the spot. No paperwork, networks, credit cards etc. We had a savings account for a medical emergency. Later there was insurance for a medical emergency like hospitalization. What happened to that system? It worked. If doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies were not so greedy, we could go back to that system again. Prices would fall, people would go to the doctors less, and insurance companies would insure true emergencies. Oh yea, drug companies would not hold us hostage with outrageous drug prices.
