Monday, July 13, 2009

No Surprise Here, Another Stimulus On The Way?

I’m going to start giving you examples of “America, We’re Doomed”, thanks to the insane liberals now in power.
Let’s start with the idea that we need another stimulus infusion. You can’t make it up. Trust me. You knew it was coming, didn’t you?
Now these misguided missiles who proudly call themselves liberals are bound and determined to send this country into purgatory. Wake up, my friends. Pay attention. This is serious stuff and I don’t want you to wake up in a year or so and find out that what I’ve have been preaching since Barak Hussein Obama won the presidential election. Whoa, I said.
Now I’m saying it again. Give liberals power and they will abuse it time and time again. Remember where you heard it first. Now you can weep with me.

1 comment:

  1. It's bad enough that the Commies (via their black puppets) have taken over control of most all of the major cities and run them into the ground - creating dozens of "New Gary's" (ref: Gary, Indiana - a total wasteland) across the U.S. With Mao-bummer as President, there will be absolutely nowhere to which we can flee.
