Monday, September 28, 2009

Hey, It Might Be Worse Than I Thought

For the first time ever, a President of the United States of America is going to attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. It's in Copenhagan, Denmark. President Barack Hussein Obama is going with the express purpose of lending his considerable weight to land the 2016 Summer Olympics for the City of Chicago. Now that's where Obama calls home, Chicago is, and he might be pull this off. From my perspective, it's not heavy lifting compared to what Obama has yet to accomplish -- and that's everything he promised but hasn't delivered on. Or maybe he's pushing so hard on these other more important items that he sees his home base slipping away, even at this early stage. What has happened? Look, Obama is slipping even at this early stage and the 2010 elections will provide a test whether the liberal Democrats maintain their lofty position in the House and Senate. We'll see. But now for much more important matters. There's the Summer Olympics. Can we do without it? Please, I can't stop laughing.

1 comment:

  1. We can only hope for the "agony of defeat." Otherwise I smell Bailout!
