Sunday, November 15, 2009
Jerks And Their Friends........
My list of Jerks keeps growing and that's because there are so many liberals out there who have earned our "praise." ........Welcome to "Jerksville," Congressman Steve Cohen. This snide little person held a townhall meeting in Memphis Saturday and the prime subject was the health care controversy. After the meeting, Cohen couldn't help himself when he said he thought there would be more opponents of the health care bills floating around: "Maybe their GPS doesn't track Whitehaven." I'm sure there was laughter after that "gem," which is so typical for this Jerk......Next "Jerk" locally is Morning Publication editorial page editor Otis Sanford. Seems he is hacked off that people have been calling him on his BlackBerry and letting him have it with what they see as his support of health care. Well, that's the price you pay, Mr. Sanford, in his attempt to cut off anti- health care calls. Mr. Sanford, you're the editorial page editor, grow up. You're acting like a 2-year-old who doesn't want to be bothered. You are truly a "Jerk." Here's hoping he continues to be swamped with calls. It's the American way, right?......Oh, you'll love this one. Our wandering President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has had a lengthy discussion of the nuclear disarmament treaty. This is a real joke. Know where the real Russian power was? Vladimir Putin was in some kind of dance competition. Mr. Putin, as usual, keeps Mr. Obama at arms length and we make it look like Obama is in there with the First Team. Far from it. ........U.S. Atty. General Eric Holder, on his own, apparently decided to hold the trial for five Muslim scumbags, one of which was the mastermind of taking down the Twin Towers in New York, mere blocks from where the Towers were. Guess President Obama, who is a micromanager like you have never seen, didn't want his fingertips on this hot potato. If this doesn't work, and it has a good chance of falling apart, Obama can throw Holder to the wolves. ...... One of the most shameful things I keep hearing is our denial macnine being in full operation when discussing anything Muslim. Talk about political correctness. This is shameful. The Ft. Hood shooter should have been taken care of long . ....... I just laugh when the idea that the government is fully capable of handling the operation of the health care option. You've got to be kidding! One of the things the libs always use in defending its involvement in the option being in play is Medicare success. Oh, sure This is insane. A new report is out that says Medicare fraud is up and it's going to hit taxpayers in the, ah, backside......If you didn't know it, the Obama administration has put off any immigration bills until 2010. Amnesty for over 12 million illegals is coming, make no mistaked about it. Until this is changed, my main point is the word that comes first in this dialog and reality: ILLEGAL. Get it: ILLEGAL! Funny how these things change simply because of politicians.
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Re Cohen's "town hall meeting," Who knew about it? He doesn't send out invitations or emails to the GOP. And even if he did, I wouldn't go. We already know how he voted, now he wants to explain! He lies!