Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Can't We All Just Get Along? No!

The chilling possibility of an American jetliner blowing up at the hands of a Muslim fanatic is just enough to start the search for whom to blame. How about the president of the United States not doing his job. I mean it. All the mealy-mouthed defenders out there who join in the support of Obama no matter what had better take another look. Simply put, the war on terrorism is as hot as ever, particularly since, according to the president, we have yet to hear the word terrorism slip over his lips. So how do we refer to this worthless piece of humanity? I say he's a terrorist, for goodness sakes. Period. End of story. I'm so sick and tired to hear Obama cozy up to millions of Muslims as if he continues to try and turn history around. Dear Mr. Obama: Get real. There are people out there, Muslim terrorists, who want to blow our ignorant heads off. Now a security update is out that you may not be aware of: these terrorists are now re-locating to Yemen as a staging point. Pretty soon we will have to acknowledge that this will force us to pay of more attention to this place of terrorist heaven. Are you up to it? Have you -- hopefully -- changed course to the real world, not the one you think you can talk out of the dark ages? No, sir, you have a lot of work to do and judging from the ease this terrorist bomber showed how much work needs to be done. We have two departments who deal with these kind of security who and they remain leaderless, according to news reports. Your Homeland Security Secretary -- Janet Napolitano -- is a joke. She boldly said the system still works only to pull back from that stupid comment. You need to pay attention to this. We have a screening process that is as porous as Swiss cheese. So, you can't -- I repeat can't -- talk your way out of this global reality that there are, uh, terrorists determined to force you to make a clear denunciation: There are millions of Muslim TERRORISTS out there on your watch, Mr President. Do something about it. NOW! And you can't do it without admitting, like it or not, that these people are dead serious about their mission. Are you up to it? You haven't seemed to be interested, frankly. I'll give you a push: Start referring to these animals as terrorists. It's a start, even if late.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Health Care Belongs To Political 'Corruption'

My dear friends, I have heard from a lot of you who believe I'm "all wet" and "a hard-boiled, hardheaded conservative" on the question of national health care. So be it. I believe I will be proven right that this monstrosity moving from the U.S. Senate to the House is a disaster, even a nightmare designed to keep Democrats in firm control in both houses. I believe it if I believe anything. A lot of others believe I'm right, too. We'll see. But I believe the larger point is President Obama has come through national health care and global warming issues without any rightful claim to success. Think about it. What Obama told us in the presidential campaign and what he has delivered now are two distinctly different things. He got nothing while in Copenhagen and nothing out of health care. And the lefties are screaming bloody murder. I will also offer my observations on the process in both arenas, if I may: Obama sat and watched as his minions engaged in political "whoring" by selling themselves for their vote in a way that hasn't been seen in Washington. Obama sold his soul, too, and it has been a shameful picture. Now, beyond this carnival display, the American people are overwhelming against the national healthcare. Well, whoa is me and millions of others who worry about the financial fallout of this monstrosity. Will it bankrupt us? Will doctors leave over their disagreements about the fallout? You betcha. Now I have a glimmer of hope that the House will chop up what has happened in the Senate and I hope it happens. This is not health care, it is political "corruption." God help us but I told you so.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gore Removes All Doubt..........

Al Gore has removed all doubt about his being a nerd. He's now a poet. I kid you not. Here are some excerpts that proves Mr. Clean no longer enjoys ANY immunity from the charges: ".....Vapors rise as Fever settles on an acid sea Neptune's bones dissolve......" Let me apologize for not going on with this drivel. The King of Weather and footprints and all the rest has made me speed to the toilet to throw up. I hope I can make it..........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Is A Joke

Another Nobel Peace Prize has once again displayed the sickening nature of some of the most liberal jokesters on the planet. President Barack Obama received the award today from the Nobel crowd and this one may be one of the most ridiculous in a growing list of Nobel "political" mistakes, including several U.S. presidents. If you can be the least bit skeptical about the latest U.S. presidential liberal "gift," you have to shake your head in bewilderment. I mean, really. When Jimmy Carter won, Nobel board members publicly said it was a slap directed at President George Bush. Understand, the Nobel crowd hate "43." It was the same with former Vice President Al Gore, and pretty much for the same reasons, the committee showed its bias. It behooves me to also say that after these public slaps at "43," it should have prompted Carter and Gore to return their prizesBut fat chance of that. And Obama should have done the right thing for someone who truly does not deserve it. But, noooooooooo, it would be rude, wouldn't it? Anyway, Obama is the latest political medling by this bunch of goofballs in Norway. Now, I know some of you may say I am being too rough on the Nobel crowd. No, quite the contrary; they have let their feelings about one U.S. president cloud the awards and they have shed shame on the entire process.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gore, A Fraud And Coward

I made a lot of enemies when Tennessean Al Gore, Jr. lost the presidential race against George Bush. One e-mail I kept during the aftermath of the hotly-contested race said, "You're one of those hateful conservatives. He's from Tennessee......" I would never vote for Gore, not just because he's an uber-liberal, but because he's a fraud and coward and I'm a heat-seeking missile willing to blow up his hot-air balloon. Gore, after the election, went on to more ridiculous things like climate change, winning the Nobel Peace Prize and raking in hundreds of thousand of dollars spreading his bull patties. But now he has yet to defend another fraud that has been exposed by a hacker who tapped into other frauds in the global warming arena. The hacker got hundreds, maybe thousands, of e-mails pointing out ways to hedge the truth about global warming. Now all you-know-what has broken out. The researcher and one of the top supporter of global warming has come under fire and is now trying to cover up his fraud. He's even saying it's all a hoax, this playing with figures and the cover-up might be working. I can't remember any of the mainstream media -- ABC, NBC or CBS -- doing anything. That's not a surprise, is it? OK, let's get down to the particulars, or several of them: These e-mails in question came from Phil Jones, director of global warming at the Climatic Research Unit, a world-famous center at the University of East Anglia in Britain. Jones, and some among his group, apparently has manipulated global warming statistics to suit their agenda. It has created a firestorm and Gore, bless his cowardly heart, has canceled a climate conference event. Maybe he doesn't have a defense for the questions he would finally be asked? Credit these e-mails for bringing light to a once "my way" attitude by Gore and his ilk. Even the president of the United States can figure on being grilled on these recent developments when he treks to Copenhagen next week. I would caution the president to not give away the farm. Now a lot more people are looking at this issue and that's good for everybody, except Al Gore.

Faculty Is 'Dead' Wrong

Remember Virginia Tech and the carnage that one student caused because no one among his victims had a weapon? Well, I do and I said then and I'll say now it's a nutty decision banning students and faculty the option to now defend themselves. Colorado State University doesn't see it that way and they have now banned carrying concealed weapons in case another Virginia Tech erupts. Can the faculty who voted against it know for sure a Virginia Tech won't happen on their campus? I sure hope it doesn't but a lot of students who decried the faculty decision wanted the right to bear arms. Over 30 students, including some faculty, are resting in graveyards because they were slaughtered at Virgina Tech. Now if only one of those 30-plus had a weapon, well, it almost certainly would have been different. God forbid it happens at Colorado State or any other university because these faculty types will be the cause of some, if not all, surviving. Wonder what the faculty will tell the parents?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fullilove Gets A Break....Thanks To An Idiot Judge

Throughout my career, I've often found that a familiar, well-known name gets special consideration from overly conpassionate judges. In my judgement, City Council Janice Fullilove let the tears flow and it must have impressed Criminal Judge Paula Skahan she went for it, hook, line and sinker. Fullilove, who clearly lied about problems with her driver's licenses and then here came de' Judge, lkept her from jail time after Fullilove's clown act. Actually, allow me to back up: There were two clowns in this deal, Fullilove and the idiot judge. Do you want to bet me that an unknown every-day Joe or Josephine would have gotten the same treatment? It makes me sick to see Fullilove literally skate from charges she obtained a driver's license and driving on a revoked license. Now, let's get real here. Fullilove has been in trouble before and that alone should require jail time. Justice certainly wasn't served in this case. Thanks, Judge Skahan, for your pitiful reasnoning. And for Fullilove, your lies piled on lies were equally pitiful. This woman was indicted in July on charges she obtained and possessed a license last year when she told an examiner hers was lost (it was a lie) when it had been seized by Mississippi authorities for driving under the influence of medication. Now please excuse me while I throw up.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuck Your Tail ...... And Run

President Obama left very little to consider in last night's speech on what he plans for our troops in Afghanistan. My interpretation, in a nutshell: Dear troops, don't unpack your bags. To our enemies, it's crystal clear: Sit down and wait 18 months and Afghanistan and Pakistan are ours. And don't forget they would be closer to getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons. The president's timeline certainly suits our enemy's resolve and I believe once again we show a weak policy in the most dangerous place on earth. The president's tuck-your-tail -and-run policy came after a thousand or so meetings and all for this? So, let's see: 30,000 additional troops will be deployed with the feeling they are double-parked. Obama did reinforce once again his naivete. And one other thing: The speech was flawless. That Tele-Promtpter worked flawlessly again....and the star who pulled it all together, as usual, was his speechwriter.