Thursday, July 23, 2009

How About An Apology?

Now that the truth has come out involving a Harvard professor and a police officer , it would be appropriate to ask for apologies.
No. 1 – The President of the United States;
No. 2—Professor Gates.
Shame on both of them for elevating race into the officer’s investigation of a burglary call that, naturally, brought race into it.
President Obama not only pushed the race issue brought up by, you guessed it, the professor, he escalated the furor by saying the officer reacted stupidly.
Neither the President or Gates, who obviously has a chip on his shoulder, seem to get the point that they – not the officer – are responsible for this racial episode. Period. I’m sick and tired of this kind of attitude when the poor officer was doing his job. Here’s what happened. Professor Gates was trying to get into his home and was having a difficult time because the door was jammed. His driver tried to assist him and that’s when a call to police from one of Gates’ neighbors went out to police that a burglary was in motion.
The officer responded and that lit the fireworks went off almost immediately. One thing led to another and when Gates made a racial remark. The officer, mind you, is white. Gates ultimately was handcuffed, taken downtown and photographed. Things really went off the deep end after that.
Gates demanded an apology after charges were dropped and the President came to his side, even saying the officer reacted “stupidly.” His words; the President’s words! Can you believe it?
President Obama admitted he didn’t have all the facts at a press conference, and even added to his botched job with those words. Therefore, I have no reservation in describing this mess by saying he should apologize.
Anyway, a little more patience would have told Gates and the President of his outstanding background, especially in the area of racial profiling. He heads up the department’s handling of racial profiling and any officer has to go through intensive training in this area.
Now, let me add that the officer has said he will not ever apologize. I don’t think he has to, do you? He handled it in textbook fashion. He’s made the right call, at least from where I sit. And his fellow officers – both black and white – gave him straight A’s as well.
Now if he can just get those two apologies.

Talk About Overreaction

My, my, my. The President of these United States has elevated a sticky situation involving his Harvard buddy and a police officer. I think the President boldly overreacted and had no business escalating the problem, if there is truly a problem to begin with. Naturally this has been made into a racial firestorm.
According to the police report, Barack Obama’s buddy, black scholar Henry Louis Gates, got in a shouting match with the police officer who had responded to a reported break-in, that information of a “break-in” came from a neighbor who saw two men – as it turns out Gates and his driver – trying to get inside.
The police officer responding to the call arrived on the scene and began talking to Gates. One thing led to another and Gates was asked to step outside. He originally refused, ultimately came outside, according to the police report, and asked if the officer was ordering him outside because he is a black man.
Gates also demanded to see his badge and asked him for his name. At this point, Gates was handcuffed. Seems to me the scholar has a chip on his shoulder. Either that or he was insulted that the police officer did not know Gates was a black scholar.
Truth be told, I’m betting that Memphians would not know Gates is if they ran into him in a mall.
Anyway, this seems to me that the racial nature of this was invented out of rage that Gates was handcuffed or that anyone in a position of authority, especially a police officer, and especially a white officer, would dare insult him.
The whole thing turned into a shameful episode and then the President makes it worse. At a press conference primarily dealing with the administration’s battle for running national healthcare from the Oval Office, he called the police reaction was “stupid.”
The police officer has said he will not apologize for the way he handled the situation and I’ll bet any police department would say they would not handle it any differently.
I think we’ll find out that Gates was insulted that the officer didn’t know who he was.
I can tell you what will happen next: All police officers in this community near Harvard will have to carry a book with the pictures of faculty members.

Stanley Betrayed His Trust

Once again a high-profile politician lets his powerful position go to his head.
Sen. Paul Stanley, a Republican from Germantown, has resigned his position as chairman of the powerful Senate Commerce, Labor & Agriculture Committee because of an admitted sexual relationship with an intern in his office. This comes out as a result of a blackmail attempt against Stanley by the boyfriend of the intern. According to an affidavit, Stanley admitted having sex and taking pictures of the intern in Stanley’s Nashville apartment.
Stanley, according to the affidavit, went to the TBI and a sting operation was put into play with Stanley paying $10,000 for the pictures and video. The boyfriend was arrested during the exchange.
In a personal aside, I’ve known Stanley for a long time and this just pains my heart. But then I ask: How stupid can you be? Stanley has not said much about it, but he did say he would not resign from his Senate


So help me, this is a comment City Councilman Barbara Swearengen Ware made in the heat of guns in our parks controversy paraphrased: We’ve got enough illegal guns in the park; we don’t need to add to the list (with legitimate permit holders).
Looks to me like we’ve got this all wrong, but that’s not news. All these anti-gun lugnuts have their focus (and venom) focused in the wrong direction. Look, I don’t want anyone to lose their life, but we’ve got a huge problem with this campaign directed against legitimate protection rights.
Madam councilman Ware, like the leadership of the Morning Publication, are all wet, in my opinion. Their focus is in the wrong direction.
Remember Ms. Ware’s absurd words, we’ve got enough illegal guns in the parks and we don’t need more.
And let me add, once again delivered with disdain, the editor of the Morning Publication, Chris Peck. This fellow is a hypocrite. He directed his Nashville staff to focus on a report that permit holders were responsible for seven police officers. That’s sad by any measurement. But what galls me is Peck and his ilk don’t seem to direct their “guns” are the real problem. Why do I say this? Buried, and I mean buried, in that report was this admission: The 50 shooting deaths by permit holders is a tiny fraction of the estimated 30,000 people killed in firearm homicides, accidents and suicides annually in the U.S.

Monday, July 13, 2009

No Surprise Here, Another Stimulus On The Way?

I’m going to start giving you examples of “America, We’re Doomed”, thanks to the insane liberals now in power.
Let’s start with the idea that we need another stimulus infusion. You can’t make it up. Trust me. You knew it was coming, didn’t you?
Now these misguided missiles who proudly call themselves liberals are bound and determined to send this country into purgatory. Wake up, my friends. Pay attention. This is serious stuff and I don’t want you to wake up in a year or so and find out that what I’ve have been preaching since Barak Hussein Obama won the presidential election. Whoa, I said.
Now I’m saying it again. Give liberals power and they will abuse it time and time again. Remember where you heard it first. Now you can weep with me.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If You're Not Sick, You're Ignoring The Facts

Have you checked lately at our debt?
Well let me remind you that every American owes the equivalent -- and this really hurts -- $37,000 . That amounts to a staggering $11.4 trillion with it rising $1 trillion a year, soon, almost certainly to grow tremendously beyond that if Barack Obama keeps dipping into our pocketbooks. Unfortunately, my friends, there is not much chance that we will ever escape.
Those economists, both conservatives and liberals, are pleading to stop the madness but nobody seems to have a clue how to do that. Now that Obama has a 60-40 edge in the U.S. Senate, a filibuster proof advangage for his liberal policies , we are in for a disaster that may sink this country.
Don’t laugh and chalk this off to a disgruntled conservative -- namely me – because you know exactly what I know. I feel sick -- again -- because our taxes are going to grow and grow and grow.

A New Name Game In Memphis

I can’t tell you how happy I am that Memphis Mayor “King” Willie Herenton and 9th District Congressman Steve Cohen are going to be involved in the biggest political fight ever in Memphis. The Mayor threw out the “A” hole word at Cohen in an interview with Memphis’ tabloid.
My only problem with Herenton is he didn’t include his own name on this prestigious list. Shame on you, Mr. Mayor. If anyone belongs on it, His Majesty does.
Cohen is well-known for his temper and Herenton will exploit it every chance he gets. Cohen’s temper was recently seen when he kicked an Armenian-American out of his Midtown house during a press interview. The man has planned a documentary about the U.S. Congress’ support of aid to and support to the Turkish government.
Armenians were slaughtered decades ago by the Turks and they have never forgotten it.
Anyway, I may just start my own list that Herenton has started.
One of my first choices is a fellow that shall remain nameless (and clueless) in Talk Radio. He gives Talk Radio a bad name and he Thaddeus Mathews, a real scumbag if there ever was one. He deserves this “prestigious” spot because he shoots first and asks questions later. Let me be clear: He is what’s bad with Talk Radio and is something I loathe.
Matthews’ latest harangue with what he’s best at: Racial warfare. He’s never far from engaging in it and Memphis has enough of his kind. He’s attacked Shelby County Mayor AC Wharton and, amazingly, Wharton did what Matthews was hoping for – he responded to him.
Mr. Mayor, you caved. This racial scoundrel wants that and nothing else. Help all of us by minimizing this racemonger. Please. He’s making me reconsider my steadfast point that freedom of speech is one of our most cherished and treasured rights.

National Health Care... No, Thank You

National heathcare?
Are you kidding me?
I don’t care what you think of my analysis, it is a move to once again let big government take over everything in our lives. We can’t afford it. We are going to come to the point quickly where we mention big government and in the same breathe understand that we’re talking gazillion dollars. Gazillion, not just trillion.
That’s just what will cover the first 10 years of the Ted Kennedy baloney.You must quit listening to these uber-liberals who think in terms of money and tons more money. The idea of big government is in the DNA of all liberals. Listen to me. Here’s what you should look at: The analysis of the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan look at this bankrupt idea by the libs.
Another thing: The GAO put another dagger in the heart of this insane deal when it said it will provide only 16 million of the estimated 47 million uninsured Americans. If this fact along doesn’t cause you to pause then you are a lost cause.
I am also willing to say that the libs’ plans are trying to make it sound more accepting to skeptics that those who want to stay in the private health sector would have the choice of staying with their current doctor and insurance plans. Oh, now don’t you feel better? Read the fine print, please. The Obama-Kennedy vote-getting plan would be voluntary. Now who in the world believes that the Obama-Kennedy plan would siphon off many in the private sector and it would eventually collapse the health care we now have.
Woe is me; woe is you if you let this misguided missile come into fruition.

Why Is This So Complicated?

When, on when, will we come to a point to where we look at the Latino invasion in the fairest way possible: Welcome those who want to go to the legal process and ship out the illegals. Here we out. I get sick and tired of seeing so many, primarily on the political left and churches, who can’t understand this simple fact: Illegals out of here! Simple, isn’t it? The law is the law is the law………

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2-Year-Olds Are Running The Morning Publication

I’m sorry. No, I’m not sorry because I’ve seen so many stupid things occur at The Morning Publication that one could not believe it could top the last thing.
Well, here’s the latest and I now know that it is not wise to take the newspaper for granted.
It seems the paper has its shorts in a knot because the rest of the country is not familiar with the paper’s ability to know what’s good for the country. I refer to the screed in the paper saying crime statistics are killing Memphis’ reputation. Understand this: Memphis is one of the most violent cities in the country, Anyone from Memphis knows it except the leadership of the paper. Talk about adults who are really 2-year-olds!
Memphis, you see, keeps meticulous records on killings, rapes, the biggest things that any city loathes, especially the Chambers of Commerce and those who make a living promoting their city. Now The Morning Publication is irate that this is unfair and they say they will not run any more stories showing Memphis is doing it fairly and the rest of the country is not being truthful.
I say to Chris Peck, the leader of the 2-years-old pack at The Morning Publication, should quit acting like 2-year-olds. Period.

It’s Getting Nasty Out There

Mayor “King” Willie has dropped some bombs out there, the latest of calling Rep. Steve Cohen an A…hole. Well, I’ve told you that this was going to be one of the nastiest campaigns in the history of this city.

Funny thing, I have the feeling that both feel comfortable operating under that banner. Cohen has a hair-trigger temper and I would be shocked to see him move through the campaign without it showing up. His Majesty is, well, you know as well as I do.

Let the games begin.