Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Can't We All Just Get Along? No!

The chilling possibility of an American jetliner blowing up at the hands of a Muslim fanatic is just enough to start the search for whom to blame. How about the president of the United States not doing his job. I mean it. All the mealy-mouthed defenders out there who join in the support of Obama no matter what had better take another look. Simply put, the war on terrorism is as hot as ever, particularly since, according to the president, we have yet to hear the word terrorism slip over his lips. So how do we refer to this worthless piece of humanity? I say he's a terrorist, for goodness sakes. Period. End of story. I'm so sick and tired to hear Obama cozy up to millions of Muslims as if he continues to try and turn history around. Dear Mr. Obama: Get real. There are people out there, Muslim terrorists, who want to blow our ignorant heads off. Now a security update is out that you may not be aware of: these terrorists are now re-locating to Yemen as a staging point. Pretty soon we will have to acknowledge that this will force us to pay of more attention to this place of terrorist heaven. Are you up to it? Have you -- hopefully -- changed course to the real world, not the one you think you can talk out of the dark ages? No, sir, you have a lot of work to do and judging from the ease this terrorist bomber showed how much work needs to be done. We have two departments who deal with these kind of security who and they remain leaderless, according to news reports. Your Homeland Security Secretary -- Janet Napolitano -- is a joke. She boldly said the system still works only to pull back from that stupid comment. You need to pay attention to this. We have a screening process that is as porous as Swiss cheese. So, you can't -- I repeat can't -- talk your way out of this global reality that there are, uh, terrorists determined to force you to make a clear denunciation: There are millions of Muslim TERRORISTS out there on your watch, Mr President. Do something about it. NOW! And you can't do it without admitting, like it or not, that these people are dead serious about their mission. Are you up to it? You haven't seemed to be interested, frankly. I'll give you a push: Start referring to these animals as terrorists. It's a start, even if late.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Health Care Belongs To Political 'Corruption'

My dear friends, I have heard from a lot of you who believe I'm "all wet" and "a hard-boiled, hardheaded conservative" on the question of national health care. So be it. I believe I will be proven right that this monstrosity moving from the U.S. Senate to the House is a disaster, even a nightmare designed to keep Democrats in firm control in both houses. I believe it if I believe anything. A lot of others believe I'm right, too. We'll see. But I believe the larger point is President Obama has come through national health care and global warming issues without any rightful claim to success. Think about it. What Obama told us in the presidential campaign and what he has delivered now are two distinctly different things. He got nothing while in Copenhagen and nothing out of health care. And the lefties are screaming bloody murder. I will also offer my observations on the process in both arenas, if I may: Obama sat and watched as his minions engaged in political "whoring" by selling themselves for their vote in a way that hasn't been seen in Washington. Obama sold his soul, too, and it has been a shameful picture. Now, beyond this carnival display, the American people are overwhelming against the national healthcare. Well, whoa is me and millions of others who worry about the financial fallout of this monstrosity. Will it bankrupt us? Will doctors leave over their disagreements about the fallout? You betcha. Now I have a glimmer of hope that the House will chop up what has happened in the Senate and I hope it happens. This is not health care, it is political "corruption." God help us but I told you so.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gore Removes All Doubt..........

Al Gore has removed all doubt about his being a nerd. He's now a poet. I kid you not. Here are some excerpts that proves Mr. Clean no longer enjoys ANY immunity from the charges: ".....Vapors rise as Fever settles on an acid sea Neptune's bones dissolve......" Let me apologize for not going on with this drivel. The King of Weather and footprints and all the rest has made me speed to the toilet to throw up. I hope I can make it..........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Is A Joke

Another Nobel Peace Prize has once again displayed the sickening nature of some of the most liberal jokesters on the planet. President Barack Obama received the award today from the Nobel crowd and this one may be one of the most ridiculous in a growing list of Nobel "political" mistakes, including several U.S. presidents. If you can be the least bit skeptical about the latest U.S. presidential liberal "gift," you have to shake your head in bewilderment. I mean, really. When Jimmy Carter won, Nobel board members publicly said it was a slap directed at President George Bush. Understand, the Nobel crowd hate "43." It was the same with former Vice President Al Gore, and pretty much for the same reasons, the committee showed its bias. It behooves me to also say that after these public slaps at "43," it should have prompted Carter and Gore to return their prizesBut fat chance of that. And Obama should have done the right thing for someone who truly does not deserve it. But, noooooooooo, it would be rude, wouldn't it? Anyway, Obama is the latest political medling by this bunch of goofballs in Norway. Now, I know some of you may say I am being too rough on the Nobel crowd. No, quite the contrary; they have let their feelings about one U.S. president cloud the awards and they have shed shame on the entire process.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gore, A Fraud And Coward

I made a lot of enemies when Tennessean Al Gore, Jr. lost the presidential race against George Bush. One e-mail I kept during the aftermath of the hotly-contested race said, "You're one of those hateful conservatives. He's from Tennessee......" I would never vote for Gore, not just because he's an uber-liberal, but because he's a fraud and coward and I'm a heat-seeking missile willing to blow up his hot-air balloon. Gore, after the election, went on to more ridiculous things like climate change, winning the Nobel Peace Prize and raking in hundreds of thousand of dollars spreading his bull patties. But now he has yet to defend another fraud that has been exposed by a hacker who tapped into other frauds in the global warming arena. The hacker got hundreds, maybe thousands, of e-mails pointing out ways to hedge the truth about global warming. Now all you-know-what has broken out. The researcher and one of the top supporter of global warming has come under fire and is now trying to cover up his fraud. He's even saying it's all a hoax, this playing with figures and the cover-up might be working. I can't remember any of the mainstream media -- ABC, NBC or CBS -- doing anything. That's not a surprise, is it? OK, let's get down to the particulars, or several of them: These e-mails in question came from Phil Jones, director of global warming at the Climatic Research Unit, a world-famous center at the University of East Anglia in Britain. Jones, and some among his group, apparently has manipulated global warming statistics to suit their agenda. It has created a firestorm and Gore, bless his cowardly heart, has canceled a climate conference event. Maybe he doesn't have a defense for the questions he would finally be asked? Credit these e-mails for bringing light to a once "my way" attitude by Gore and his ilk. Even the president of the United States can figure on being grilled on these recent developments when he treks to Copenhagen next week. I would caution the president to not give away the farm. Now a lot more people are looking at this issue and that's good for everybody, except Al Gore.

Faculty Is 'Dead' Wrong

Remember Virginia Tech and the carnage that one student caused because no one among his victims had a weapon? Well, I do and I said then and I'll say now it's a nutty decision banning students and faculty the option to now defend themselves. Colorado State University doesn't see it that way and they have now banned carrying concealed weapons in case another Virginia Tech erupts. Can the faculty who voted against it know for sure a Virginia Tech won't happen on their campus? I sure hope it doesn't but a lot of students who decried the faculty decision wanted the right to bear arms. Over 30 students, including some faculty, are resting in graveyards because they were slaughtered at Virgina Tech. Now if only one of those 30-plus had a weapon, well, it almost certainly would have been different. God forbid it happens at Colorado State or any other university because these faculty types will be the cause of some, if not all, surviving. Wonder what the faculty will tell the parents?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fullilove Gets A Break....Thanks To An Idiot Judge

Throughout my career, I've often found that a familiar, well-known name gets special consideration from overly conpassionate judges. In my judgement, City Council Janice Fullilove let the tears flow and it must have impressed Criminal Judge Paula Skahan she went for it, hook, line and sinker. Fullilove, who clearly lied about problems with her driver's licenses and then here came de' Judge, lkept her from jail time after Fullilove's clown act. Actually, allow me to back up: There were two clowns in this deal, Fullilove and the idiot judge. Do you want to bet me that an unknown every-day Joe or Josephine would have gotten the same treatment? It makes me sick to see Fullilove literally skate from charges she obtained a driver's license and driving on a revoked license. Now, let's get real here. Fullilove has been in trouble before and that alone should require jail time. Justice certainly wasn't served in this case. Thanks, Judge Skahan, for your pitiful reasnoning. And for Fullilove, your lies piled on lies were equally pitiful. This woman was indicted in July on charges she obtained and possessed a license last year when she told an examiner hers was lost (it was a lie) when it had been seized by Mississippi authorities for driving under the influence of medication. Now please excuse me while I throw up.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuck Your Tail ...... And Run

President Obama left very little to consider in last night's speech on what he plans for our troops in Afghanistan. My interpretation, in a nutshell: Dear troops, don't unpack your bags. To our enemies, it's crystal clear: Sit down and wait 18 months and Afghanistan and Pakistan are ours. And don't forget they would be closer to getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons. The president's timeline certainly suits our enemy's resolve and I believe once again we show a weak policy in the most dangerous place on earth. The president's tuck-your-tail -and-run policy came after a thousand or so meetings and all for this? So, let's see: 30,000 additional troops will be deployed with the feeling they are double-parked. Obama did reinforce once again his naivete. And one other thing: The speech was flawless. That Tele-Promtpter worked flawlessly again....and the star who pulled it all together, as usual, was his speechwriter.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wonder How Gore Will Spin This?

I've always been lukewarm about the melting icecaps gobbling up New York City and Florida, or fill in the blank. Now there is a major development that at the very least will embarrass the major iceberg huckster of all time -- Albert Gore, Jr. I could not wait to send this your way and to tell you what I've have said all along -- follow the money. Gore, a fraud AND huckster, has become rich with his meandering that the seas and icebergs in it or doomed. Naturally, we are doomed with it, according to Gore and his minions. Now the rush is on to laugh at some purloined e-mails that has brought Gore and his followers to their knees. The Washington Post has picked up on correspondence that has many of those who firmly believe that Gore is right and those who criticize are idiots, to say the least. Anyway, the e-mails that were hacked by an anti-iceberg theorist portrays leading climate warmers as "petty, vindictive, and eager to make their data fit their theories." This is serious stuff but, of course, the climate warmers are trying to knock it down as baloney. The ever-loving climate warmers in the media are trying as fas as possible to pick apart the hacker's work. It goes like this: He hacked into info from one of the leading academic centers in the field -- the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. The hacker pulled out a ton of juicy stuff, including this little nugget from the main guy in Anglia -- He bragged of completing a "trick" with recent temperature data to "hide the decline." I could go on and on but you'll probably not see much of this past this posting. That's the way these ice-warmers operate, especially with the leadership of Albert Gore, Jr. I can't wait for his stilted denial. Mr. Gore, you've got the floor and here's hoping you aren't knee-deep in one of those melting icebergs.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ABC Controversy Won't Blow Away

Much has been said about this Adam Lambert fellow on the American Music Awards. This openly homosexual performer, who lied about what he would perform to millions on ABC , set off a firestorm with his sickening show. As far as I am concerned, I will not give this idiot the pleasure of describing his madness. It should never have seen the light of day, or night. So don't ask me to do anything more than say it was disgusting. He didn't apologize; who expected him to? I can only suffice to say there was a mixed bag of reaction and ABC seemed to enjoy the outrage and controversy. Ratings, you know, will push a sagging network of doing whatever is possible. I hope ABC suffers greatly and one thing is certain: It shows how low television has sunk.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Only Money

President Obama must think he's working from a Monopoly board. Maybe he doesn't understand the net-sum game, but, then again, he came into the White House with virtually no experience and he now listens too much to the wrong people. But, worry not because those who have his ear, evne though say there is no concern, even though this president has shattered the budget record for first-timers sitting in the Oval Office. You think I'm kidding. The figures are in and they don't lie, even if the president does. Obama has spent nearly double what his predecessors have exceeded the first-year tabs for any U.S. president in history. Here's a fiscal breakdown: $3.52 trillion in 2000 dollars. The national debt now exceeds $12 trillion. Now we know Now I know the defenders of this president say this is merely Republican sniping. Wrong. And they know their defense is wrong. It's because President Bush left us in the toilet, they say. Wrong again. This is Obama's time. Drop the excuses. I've told you that there is a group of liberals and Hollywood types and members of Congress who will do everything in their power to keep Obama from failing. I now once again predict you are on the verge of seeing a massive attempt at saving him, even if he tries to spend us into oblivion. Fortunately, there are many in this country who are tired of the defend-Obama-at-all-costs mentality and they are starting to peel off. Obama, according to Gallup, has fallen among whites to 39 percent. It has fallen in all sub-sets, according to Gallup, with the exception of blacks. It can only get worse....and it almost certainly will. Have you ever seen a Democrat, particularly the liberal-type, who didn't like a tax? Well, sit down. Nice and comfortable, are you? Here's the hammer that no headache will fix: Americans could pay billions of dollars more in nex taxes for several years before you could see any major change in the nation's healthcare under what's moving through the Congress. What, me worry?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jerks And Their Friends........

My list of Jerks keeps growing and that's because there are so many liberals out there who have earned our "praise." ........Welcome to "Jerksville," Congressman Steve Cohen. This snide little person held a townhall meeting in Memphis Saturday and the prime subject was the health care controversy. After the meeting, Cohen couldn't help himself when he said he thought there would be more opponents of the health care bills floating around: "Maybe their GPS doesn't track Whitehaven." I'm sure there was laughter after that "gem," which is so typical for this Jerk......Next "Jerk" locally is Morning Publication editorial page editor Otis Sanford. Seems he is hacked off that people have been calling him on his BlackBerry and letting him have it with what they see as his support of health care. Well, that's the price you pay, Mr. Sanford, in his attempt to cut off anti- health care calls. Mr. Sanford, you're the editorial page editor, grow up. You're acting like a 2-year-old who doesn't want to be bothered. You are truly a "Jerk." Here's hoping he continues to be swamped with calls. It's the American way, right?......Oh, you'll love this one. Our wandering President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has had a lengthy discussion of the nuclear disarmament treaty. This is a real joke. Know where the real Russian power was? Vladimir Putin was in some kind of dance competition. Mr. Putin, as usual, keeps Mr. Obama at arms length and we make it look like Obama is in there with the First Team. Far from it. ........U.S. Atty. General Eric Holder, on his own, apparently decided to hold the trial for five Muslim scumbags, one of which was the mastermind of taking down the Twin Towers in New York, mere blocks from where the Towers were. Guess President Obama, who is a micromanager like you have never seen, didn't want his fingertips on this hot potato. If this doesn't work, and it has a good chance of falling apart, Obama can throw Holder to the wolves. ...... One of the most shameful things I keep hearing is our denial macnine being in full operation when discussing anything Muslim. Talk about political correctness. This is shameful. The Ft. Hood shooter should have been taken care of long . ....... I just laugh when the idea that the government is fully capable of handling the operation of the health care option. You've got to be kidding! One of the things the libs always use in defending its involvement in the option being in play is Medicare success. Oh, sure This is insane. A new report is out that says Medicare fraud is up and it's going to hit taxpayers in the, ah, backside......If you didn't know it, the Obama administration has put off any immigration bills until 2010. Amnesty for over 12 million illegals is coming, make no mistaked about it. Until this is changed, my main point is the word that comes first in this dialog and reality: ILLEGAL. Get it: ILLEGAL! Funny how these things change simply because of politicians.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What A Load Of Crap!

He's done it again! President Obama, when out of this country meeting with leaders, bows in a greeting that makes me outraged. He did it to the Emperor Akihito just the other day; he's done it to the Saudi Arabian leader; also to Queen Elizabeth. Enough already, Mr. President. This is embarrassing. No U.S. President should bow to a foreign leader. Ever! They should bow to our leader.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Honor Vets EVERY Day

Veterans Day is a celebration of the U.S. military. We owe all of them, past and present, more than we can ever, ever repay. One thing we can do is to celebrate veterans EVERY day. Let's do it. It's the least we could do.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Democrats have bulldozed their way to what all good Liberals want, government control of healthcare. I would offer my sympathy for this 2,000, page trillion-dollar monster, but that would put me in the category of being a hypocrite. The truth is simple: This will ultimately fail, trust me, if it reaches fruition, just likethe Great Society, and so many other "liberal dreams" of making our lives better. You know it, if you're honest, that liberals invented printed money; it's to play with and means no big deal if it costs what can't be paid for at the end of the nightmare. Mark it down: Your children's children will rue the day this monster takes life. Here's hoping it fails along the way. There's one other part of the "monster" and it deals with President Obama: I'll bet he will take whatever reaches his desk, no matter how weak it becomes as our "drunk" liberals gloat. behind him at the signing. Now I'll leave you with this early input I saw from a liberal supporter (and it must have gagged this rag he works at to have to admit it: Is it true that this measure would create a federally regulated marketplace where consumers could shop for coverage? Is it true that the bill's most controverial provision, the government would sell insurance with the Congressional Budget Office forecasts that premiums for it would be more expensive than for politices sold by private companies? These are only a small portion of questions in a bill that weights about 20 pounds and I'm already sick. Is there a doctor in the House?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Don't Shed One Single Tear For This Sympathizer

The Ft. Hood carnage has brought out one thing that may haunt us forever: Why did the U.S. military wait until it was too late to save all those soldiers who gave their lives because of one worthless Islamic sympathizer? The danger signals were all over the place, according to numerous revelations. So if President Obama can be super sympaththetic to the Muslim world, why can't the U.S. follow the lead of the Commander-in-Chief, right? I just hope our Apologist-in-Chief still believes we've got to make peace with these people who hate us. All of this makes me sick, to be perfectly frank. Now we are left to deal with the loss of life of so many who were defenseless. Now I hope those who failed to deal with this lunatic realize they helped this tragedy to happen and, unfortunately, they waited too late. This will forever be unforgiveable. My prayers go out to those who lost their lives because of this deranged Muslim. I leave you this sobering reality from the Middle East to the West: Blood is thicker than water.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Of Course It's About The President.....Duh!

Yesterday's results in some key states has Democrats rushing for the nearest microphone and literally screaming the results of Dems losing the governorships in New Jersey and Virginia was not about President Obama. Oh, really? Well, forget that the president was holed up in the White House watching an NBA game, or that the First Lady was not yapping that her husband wasn't running. So? Of course Obama's one-year in office is not going well. Remember that old line, if it's not about the money, it's about the money? Well, if it's not about the president, it's about the president. Plain and simple. This had the ring of Obama's open-check way of dealing with OUR money. The president and his vice-president spend enough time in New Jersey to qualify they to vote. So, puhleeze, admit it. Oh, the Republicans lost a U.S. House seat in upstate New York for the first time ever, but it took a moderate-liberal Republican to hand the victory to a Democrat. The lady in question had her feelings hurt because she's on the wrong side of a lot of issues: abortion being one of them. What does all of this mean? People are angry, really angry, and that includes a lot of independents. If it's not about the president, rest assured it is about the president.

Blow Up Public Education NOW

More bad news for Memphis City Schools in the most recent evaluation of said educational hope. Is there any hope left? I think not. This is going to take a country-wide realization that public education DOES NOT WORK, I repeat public education DOES NOT work. It will never work in its current form and it's past time accepting the norm. Don't you think?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting In Touch......

You can get me by clicking on to mike@mikeflemingonline.com. Look forward to it, whether pro or con.

Hitting A Hypocrite Where It Hurts

I'll make this short about my response to the attacks directed at Fox News by liberal critics. First of all, it's absurd. Secondly, it's hypocritical. Did you hear me: IT'S HYPOCRITICAL! One of President Obama's attack dogs went on and on recently with a CNN anchor about the bias that is displayed every day by Fox News, according to her. She was asked: "Is MSNBC biased?" The Obama attack dog was stumped, naturally. I will tell you point-blank -- MSNBC is twice as biased and maybe more. Let's give a round of applause to the White House for our "Hypocrite of the Moment award.

Count 'Em.......One By One Before Game Ended

If anybody comes up to you (Harold Byrd, are you listening?) and suggests the City of Memphis needs --no, demands -- a new football stadium, take them to the nearest nut house. It was a long shot to talk about getting into a BCS conference anyway, wasn't it? To any one who is prudent, yes. Last night was the capper before a national television audience, the Tigers drew a whopping 4,117 and Tiger fans were rewarded with a 38-19 loss to East Carolina. Look, I figure if you started at one end of the stadium and talked to every fan there you would finish before the end of the game. Maybe you'd make it before halftime. Some fans probably tried to cause a blowout of the lighting system, obviously to avoid anyone seeing this debacle. Anyone for funding a new football stadium?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Now This One Takes The Cake

Anying involving black in the voting process in these times is guaranteed to create a real dust-up. Take, for example, one of the silliest things I've heard recently in a little hamlet in North Carolina. The Washington Times reports that President Obama's Justice Department has offended black voters in Kinston, N.C. by deciding they aren't able to handle choosing their own elected officials unless the candidates are listed on the ballots by party label. The Justice goons overruled Kinston's black voters who helped vote by a big margin to go along with the flow of other North Carolina towns holding non-partisan local elections. I kid you not. This has to be one of the most hair-brained things to come along in recent times. The Justice thugs are saying to blacks: Excuse the interruption but we don't think you are capable of making the right decision unless Democrats are labeled on the ballot. By a 2-to-one margin, black Kinston voters recently voted to eliminate party affiliations from local candidates' on election ballots. At Justice, the word came down we're going to overrule this vote because nonpartisan elections violate black voting rights.

Carter Vs. Obama

Things just can't get any worse for Barack Hussein Obama. Now there's a survey out there that pits Jimmy Carter, already fully established as the worst U.S. President in modern times against the sitting president. But was Carter worse than Obama? It's too early to tell but I firmly believe he's going to give Carter a run for his peanuts.

Be Afraid, Very Afraid......

Rep. Barney Frank says Democrats are doing every thing they can to make Americans more beholding on government. See, I told you that uber-liberals are the most dangerous things on Earth.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MSNBC Vs. Fox News

I want to make this short and to the point and I dare you to build a case against it: MSNBC, with its two-person "hit" squad, is far more partisan than anyone at Fox News. Now, I'm sure you know President Obama has sent word to his minions that he will not talk to anyone from Fox News; his own version of an "enemies list." All right, are you ready to do battle? Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow put to shame anybody at Fox. Both were invited and participated with a gaggle of uber-liberals in an off-the-record meeting with the president just the other day. Wonder if Fox News came up?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

He Does L-I-E!

Remember when Joe Wilson shouted "He Lies!" to the President of the United States and the worlds castigated the guy? Well, the truth is now out there -- Barack Obama DOES lie. Cut it any way you want, this fellow can no longer hide behind the truth. U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, bless his heart, now exposes what is a truth: Democrats, especially the liberal kind, can't help themselves. Corker brought to life one of those memorable lines from the orator's brilliant slants: "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future.....period." Obama said that. Can we now spell L-I-E without the Dems L-I-E-ing through their teeth? The Washington Post has now come up with the proof, and I quote: ".....Senate Democrats wanted to protect doctors from scheduled cuts in Medicare payments over the next 10 years, but there was a problem: Doing it would add a quarter of a trillion (gulp, that's my contribution to this L-I-E) to the federal deficit, making mincemeat of Obama's promise (uh, L-I-E). So Democrats hatched a novel scheme: They would pass the legislation separately, so the $250 billion cost wouldn't be part of the main reform "plan." thereby allowing the president to claim THAT that bill wouldn't increase the deficit......." Now let's take off our hat off to Joe Wilson, the Republican congressman who had the guts to say "He lies!" He does. the proof is now in front of you. And shame on our Teleprompter-In-Chief.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

White House Full of 2-Year-Olds

There's a battle going on betweet the White House and Fox News. The W.H. is screaming Fox News isn't news at all, it's a political organ designed to rip President Obama and save anything Republican. Hogwash. Has the W.H. checked as to the number of liberals and Democrats are supported by the mainstream media? It's childish, to say the least. Me thinks this all comes from the "news" that Glenn Beck is killing MSNBC and CNN in their time slots. This is even worse for the W.H.: Americans, Democrat and independents, are watching Fox News "just about every day." That's to the tune of 46 percent, according to a national survey. If I were at the W.H., I'd be worried, too. Oh, let me add to something else here: One of the iW.H. insiders, Communication Director Anita Dunn, had this shocker: "Very rarely do we communicate through the press anything that we don't absolutely control....."

Harold Ford Loves The Movies?

Harold Ford, Jr., according to Politico, apparently is interested in succeeding Dan Glickman as head of the Motion Picture Association of America. Well, no kidding! Democrats love the power of Hollywood, especially the power that keeps on giving in political circles -- money -- and lots of it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is There A Nobel Prize For Hatred?

I would love to sit down and talk to members of the Nobel committee as to the process of sticking its collective noses into the American political realm. For example: "Have you given any thought as to the transparency of your Peace Prize selections of late, especially that they have been aimed at one political party-- and one man in it, George Bush -- in the United States of America?" This would probably make the members jump out of their chairs once the question was translated. These uber-liberals' transparency (one of Obama's pet words) is just that, transparent. One other transparent thought from me to them: "You seem to have nothing but evil thoughts on a one former U.S. president -- George Bush. Is it fair to be so transparent on what is a global award?"...... Look, this has turned into how can the committee keep laying it on to that 'dastardly' man (George Bush) year after year? I think the committee has a hate-filled thing about Republicans in general. Only one man (Henry Kissinger, and he's no conservative, more a moderate, maybe even a liberal) has won the Peace prize in modern times. Three of the last six are big liberals. Your committee has even publicly admitted your intentions toward President Bush. Oh, well, it's your award and you're entitled to be as transparent as you want to be. But your hatred for George Bush is transparent and, eventually, it will bring many to scorn your vindictiveness, uh, hatred. And here's a final note: I predict you have made this award meaningless So, congratulations, I leave you by announcing you have won my Hatred Prize. And one other thing: I wish I had the chance to vote for George Bush again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This President Takes Narcissism To A New Level

I don't bet so I had to figure what else I could do about this morning's jolt of President Barrack Hussein Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. I told my friend that Obama, in all honesty, doesn't deserve the honor. I told him the president should not accept it. My buddy, a liberal, said "You conservatives are all the same; this is just another attack on the president.' No, I said, I'm serious but it will never happen. In a field of overt self-worth , politicians, in particular, and this president at the top of the list, would never turn it down. I reminded my friend that the Nobel selection process closed out for 2009 12 days after Obama took office. Now, I can't for the life of me see why Obama shouldn't return the prize based on this fact alone. I closed my argument with a whack of reality, directed at the recipient of a prize he doesn't deserve. He's the most narcissistic man on Earth, isn't he? I sure think so. My friend disagreed and I fired back to help him know where I was coming from: Here's the definition of narcissism, I said: "A beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection ...." Or put another way, my way in describing the recipient of the prize: "Return the prize??????....you must be crazy. I deserve it. I am grateful to my friends (liberals) on the Nobel selection committee for making this day possible. I know I am worthy of this and they knew it and YOU know it...." In closing, I have some additional information that White House staff today was seen hanging up new, giant mirrors, particularly in the Oval Office. Makes it easier for a narcissis to feel at home.

Nobel Peace Prize....Huh??????????

I suppose I am to be surprised, shocked, whatever, at the news President Barack Hussein Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Well, no, none of the above when considering a couple of facts -- facts -- my friends. First, the Nobel committee consists of raging liberals. They hate -- yes, I mean hate -- anything conservative. Obama, like Jimmy Carter before him, is the recipient of a gift. Obama has done nothing to deserve this, has he? He could be a late winner, but this is based on nothing as far as achievements. Listen up: As before, the committee gives the award to an individual as a way to vent their hatred worldwide. Oh, I know you liberal lugnuts are screaming at me. Well, fine. Listen to what the committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to liberal President Jimmy Carter for Carter's work in the Middle East. Here it is, and I quote: "This should be seen as a kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war. It makes me angry that the committee uses these awards in a political way; they were never designed to do that. But, whatever, I will say this, ironically speaking. Obama will hold another meeting this afternoon with his "war" council. I guess the committee is not aware of that. Is Obama going to send 40,000 additional troops to Afganistan? It's a good bet, that is unless this Peace Prize pushes Obama to do something crazy like bringing the troops home tomorrow. Maybe that's what the committee wants. Whatever, it puts Obama in a box, doesn't it? The bottom line in this morning's Peace announcement is that Obama has done nothing to deserve this. You think I'm wrong? I've already gotten some comments that his Neville Chamberlain-like appeasement is wrong for this country. Period. Obama gave in to the Russians about the missile shield in Europe. I think Obama has sold his soul on this one. Do you honestly think these countries are going to do away, or reduce, their nuclear stockpiles? Dream on.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scumbag Of The Day

We're starting a new category on my blog site today: The "Scumbag Of The Day" in Memphis. This one is easy. Actually, these picks won't be difficult at all. Can we have a drum roll to kick off this wonderful recognition. OK, enough of the introduction: Today's "winner" is longtime scumbag Joe Cooper. He's been in federal prison on convictions of money-laundering for drug dealers. How nice to have that on your resume, right? Cooper also helped a federal undercover operation by helping nail former Memphis City Council members Rickey Peete and Edmund Ford, Sr. Ford was acquitted last year after telling jurors the money he accepted from Cooper was a loan, not a bribe. Cooper, a notorious "influence peddler," has spent six months in prison. Having had a lot of time to think things over, Cooper told the Morning Publication that he's got some new ideas for jobs when he gets out. One would help prepare felons what to expect in prison. Judge Daniel Breen said "whoa!" and this is beautiful: The judge said Cooper has been around enough felons for awhile. Now tell me Cooper isn't the perfect kickoff for "Scumbag of the Day."

Friday, October 2, 2009

President Obama, First Lady Strike Out

Chicago had the President of the United States and his wife, Michelle Obama, going for it in trying to land the 2016 Summer Olympics, but it apparently it didn't mean much because the Windy City was eliminated in the first round of voting. President Obama put his prestige on the line and many thought that would be enough to put Chicago over the top. The reason why the Obamas didn't have enough star power to make it for the City they live in was not, but the city's crime problems may have played a big role. Many wondered why the Obamas would put their prestige on the line in the first place, what with the President's big problems with his agenda setbacks. But make no mistake about it, this is a big, big loss and sooner or later we'll hear excuses it was because the President is black and the IOC is racist.

Winners, Losers

LOSER: President Barack Hussein Obama. I know, I know. That's a little tough, isn't it? After all, show a little respect for "our" President. Well, I say, remember that line "if the shoe fits....." This shoe fits most comfortably. It's about new, daunting tax increases over the next decade and the President is to blame for going back on his promise to not tax, not add one dime, during his first (hopefully last) term. I said this several months ago because there's no other way to get where he wants to go. Now the Heritage Foundation says new taxes could surpass $1.5 trillion, compliments of the President. The Heritage report says the new taxes will hit taxpayers "at all levels."...... WINNER: President Barack Hussein Obama. Huh? Yes. I've given out Loser and Winner awards combined before. This is one of those times. The President gets both for not revealing how many atomic weapons Israel has. It's a decades long fact that no American President has revealed this information. It frees Israel from revealing this for security reasons and it also means Israel doesn't have to comply with the International rules.......LOSER: Former President Jimmy Carter. Now he's saying he didn't say anything about critical talk about Obama being racist. I pity this man, don't you? Carter has lost it. LOSERS: All these Czar's appointed by President Obama are nothing short of left-wing lugnuts. These "Czars" are pathetic, dangerous dudes, all appointed by the President, or at least with his approval. They don't have to be vetted by the Senate.One of them, diversity Czar Mark Lloyd at the Federal Communications Commission wants white media executives to "step down" in favor of black minorities Van Jones was one of these Czars who was pushed out because of his socialist ideas. Another one, John Holdren, says the Constitution backs "compulsory" abortions. He's the science Czar....... WINNERS: The feds, happily, have come to their senses and lifted the ban on "Jesus" on the capitol Christmas tree. ....... I'm dead-set against mandatory flu shots in Shelby County. There are still too many questions.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hey, It Might Be Worse Than I Thought

For the first time ever, a President of the United States of America is going to attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. It's in Copenhagan, Denmark. President Barack Hussein Obama is going with the express purpose of lending his considerable weight to land the 2016 Summer Olympics for the City of Chicago. Now that's where Obama calls home, Chicago is, and he might be pull this off. From my perspective, it's not heavy lifting compared to what Obama has yet to accomplish -- and that's everything he promised but hasn't delivered on. Or maybe he's pushing so hard on these other more important items that he sees his home base slipping away, even at this early stage. What has happened? Look, Obama is slipping even at this early stage and the 2010 elections will provide a test whether the liberal Democrats maintain their lofty position in the House and Senate. We'll see. But now for much more important matters. There's the Summer Olympics. Can we do without it? Please, I can't stop laughing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why, I Didn't Know That.....Did You?

Chris Peck is the editor of the Morning Publication and I have said before he is the poorest editor the newspaper has ever had. Is this a personal observation? Of course it is. I'm sure he has relationships with those who say my point is dead wrong. Fine. But let's move on. Today's newspaper is heavy with the results of crime in Memphis. Crime, with education right up there, is the most damaging aspect of living in Memphis. Now the newspaper has outdone itself. It is spending a lot of money and time telling us what surely we all know: Crime is draining this community. Did you know this? Was there anything -- ANYTHING -- new in this series that will run for numerous weeks? Look, I was involved in a similar crime spread when I was at the newspaper. What consumed our study then and Peck's "revelations" now brought us to a rock-hard conclusion: What's true then is true now: There's nothing new and nobody, including Peck, has any answers. So I can't wait for the summation. Oh, forgive me: I've already given you the summation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.......Yeah, Right!

I wrote an earlier blog about Iran being "outed" after 18 years of covering up its super-secret secret uranium enrichment facility. President Barack Hussein Obama has now "blasted" Iran a few hours ago for this egregious act. The President said Iran "is breaking rules that all nations must follow....." Look, I bet the Iranians are shaking in their boots, or whatever it is the ruling idiots wear. I mean it. Do you think any country, any man, fears our President? I don't think so. I think Mr. Nice Guy just doesn't have that fearful "don't tread on me" look that accompanies his speeches. Now it was different with former President George Bush, and certainly Ronald Reagan, and that little loud-mouth would hunker in a corner if Bush or Reagan raised their voices. You know its true. I therefore propose that our President let Israel do the talking; now that's a country that brings fear to the Iranians. Forget embargoes. That's too soft, but it's just right for our softball President.

Why Did Obama Wait?

The President of the United States continues to baffle me. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. My current beef comes from the "fact" that Iran has confirmed it has been working a super-secret uranium enrishment plant deep underground. The U.S., Franch and Britain apparently have known about this for some time. Finally, the facts are now coming out after Iran found out that the three countries know about the secret plant. Iranian officials informed the International Atomic Erergy Agency in the last few days. Our beloved President decided to say something about it today, but why in the world did he not bring it forward in his speech to the United Nations a few days ago? Why? Again, why? I'm afraid we can now say this man is more intent on making friends than in going after these skunks. Obama has now said the U.S. has known about it for years, maybe as long as 18 years. That includes former Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush, doesn't it? This is a disservice to the entire world to have let these madmen in Iran continue their evil work for such a long period of time and all that time we knew what was going on. We flat let them continue building and building and Lord only knows how far along they have moved. In my view, this is totally indefensible. Presidents are bold enough from time to time to say "not on my watch." We are now well into the Obama watch and what is he doing about it? Don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We'd Better Start Listening For Facts, Folks

Here's another update on the battle over health care revamps: If you think that congressman from South Carolina, a Republican no less, caught holy you-know-what for calling out President Barack Hussein Obama on some of the President's "facts," then listen to a non-partisan observer. The chief budget officer -- Douglas Elmendorf -- says the President is wrong in his claim that seniors' Medicare benefits wouldn't be cut under the President's overhaul. Do I hear the echoes of Rep. Joe Wilson's comments rise again ("You lie!"), only with a little softer approach? Mr. Elmendorf says without a doubt seniors would face a cut by more than $100 billion over 10 years. And you liberals out there said Wilson was crazy.

Hasn't The Dalai Lama Suffered Enough?

In a never-ending attempt to bring disrespect on the City of Memphis, we haul off and make the WORLD think the city looks like baffoons. Yes, buffoons with a big B. Now can we have a fist bump to seal the deal? In greeting the Dalai Lama yesterday, City Mayor pro tem gave the religious leader a fist bump. I'm told the fist bump is a cultural thing, but do we have to confirm to the world that this was a major embarassment? Oh, well, what's done is done. Lowery even tried to surpass the fist-bump thing with this beauty: "They say you have a sense of humor. I've always wanted to say, 'Hello, Dalai.'" The Dalai Lama was in Memphis to accept an international Freedom Award from the National Civil Rights Museum. Well, I can't believe that the head of the goverment-in-exile of Tibet has a clue that Lowery is fighting to become the real mayor of Memphis. Hasn't the poor man suffered enough without this?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Quotable Quote from Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post: "The reason Americans have turned against health-care reform, after electing Barack Hussein Obama President, is simple: Despite protestations to the contrary, Americans don't like change. You would think that while we might disagree about what kind of change we want, Americans are in total agreement that the current situation is intolerable in all areas and that change -- big, immediate change -- is essential. Americans do agree about this -- in the abstract. But as soon as it seems that change might actually happen, as soon as we leave the abstract for the particular -- we panic. We suddenly develop nostagia for the comforts of the status quo. Sure, we want change -- as long as everything can stay just as it is." As far as I'm concerned, Kinsley, a well-known liberal, was suckered by the President-to-be. Obama's election was centered on "change," but he never said what change and now, at this point, he hasn't changed anything. For example, the saving of this country in the economy woes, was the chairman of the Federal Reserve, like it or not. I also happen to believe that the health-care debacle has nothing to do with change, it does have a lot to do with deceitful "change." It's not "panic" as Kinsley says, but a deeply-rooted distrust of liberals and bigger, much bigger, government.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Robotic President....Repeat That Five Times

I don't know about you, but I won a bet yesterday that our robotic President would repeat himself often in his five appearances on television. It had all the trappings of Barack Obama with strings attached to an unseen and unknown dude moving those strings. Again, I don't know about you but I've heard those points on health care, oh, five hundred times. What's the point? Was Obama, so enamored with his speaking abilities, trying for a world record for Presidents? Well, bet you he now has established a record that won't be broken. The only drama was he excluded Fox News, making it look like a payback for Fox News not carrying his address to Congress. If that's the case, it seems to me to Fox News won going away. Again, how many times have we heard the same thing? I'll guarantee you the President is losing his battle on the subject by brow-beating us over and over and over. Remind me when he goes on another one of these sojourns that literally put us to sleep. Mr. President, have mercy! Enough, already.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh, No...Say It Isn't So For Another 'Bailout'

There's another stupid bailout coming soon and, yes, the man fixated on the idea is none other than President Barack Obama. I kid you not. Newspapers need to be saved, Democrats say, and the President is just the man to do it. Obama seems keen to the idea of giving struggling newspapers tax breaks. He got things started with the auto industry, so naturally I knew it wouldn't stop there. Anyway, there's a Senate bill -- S.673 -- now in the hopper. It's called the "Newspaper Revitalization Act." Two noted Senate liberals Ben Cardin from Maryland and his colleague Barbara Mikulski are pushing it. They seem to have Obama's ear. Now think of it: Liberals control the Senate and House and this would amount to a more cozy relationship with the mainstream media, heavily liberal as well. Come to think of it, that's what we have now and have always had, right? Makes me sick to my stomach. I'm dead-set against it and newspapers don't deserve to be saved. Think they won't return the favors even more toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Is The President A Liar?

All we've heard on the delicate subject of the President possibly being a liar is how rude and crude Republican Congressman Joe Wilson was in creating a firestorm. Well, is he or is not? Where is the mainstream media trying to find out. We've had to wait and wait and wait. Once again I have to say the mainstream media is protecting the President. Well, I found an answer to it. The President brought Wilson to scream "You lie!" during a joint session of the Congress. Here's what created the whole mess: The President created this mysterywhen insurance coverage for illegal aliens. Wilson couldn't believe his ears and he had had enough. Well, let's set this one part of the controversy to rest because he said, flat out, that illegals would not be covered. That's when Wilson blew his stack. "You lie!" he said. Turns out, my friends, that all of the four committee billks passed in Congress allow illegals to take part in thye Health Insurance Exchange. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I say Wilson was right to say it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Poll Says Doctors Would Leave In Droves

There's a new poll out that should scare the begeebers out of you. The IBD/TIPP poll says 45 percent or more doctors would consider quitting if Congress passes health care overhaul. Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, in the Investor's Business Daily. This poll has clout with me because Michael Ramirez works there. Anyway, the poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also the doctors' own lobby -- the powerful American Medical Association -- both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul. According to Investor's Business, there are questions whether an overhaul is even possible. Seventy-two percent of the doctors polled disagree with the Obama administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower costs. The poll was taken over the last two weeks with 1,376 practicing physicians chosen randomly throughout the country taking part.

Mr. Bitter Is Losing His MInd

Jimmy Carter is one bitter man. Don't you think? Now he's indicted millions of Americans with being racist. What has made him this way? Who knows. Maybe it was the overwhelming rebuke by millions of Americans in losing to Ronald Reagan. Your guess is as good as mine. And now he has been rebuked by his President, Barack Obama. Obama, through his spokesman, says he does not agree with Carter's stupid observation that an "overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man." But there's more from Mr. Bitter: "I live in the South and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans......" Mr. Bitter wasn't kept it up: ".......And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply........" Are there racist in this country? Yes. But Mr. Bitter went way too far on this one. Let me close by saying to the media: When someone like Mr. Bitter goes off the reservation again, call him on it. You know it's wrong to spread this kind of garbage, don't you? I think Mr. Bitter and the Congressional Black Caucus want to spread this kind of poison just to stir the racial caldron.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Medicare And 'Death Panels'

The heated healthcare debate brought into play "death panels," with aged Americans would be sacrificed at the expense of younger dudes. It was explosive to say the least. Liberals say it was never a factor; conservatives say their harping on it was sinister and it went away. Well, along comes Medicare, a government program said to be in serious trouble for the near future, with a new change that you probably have not heard of. Well, you are now informed. Its a policy change in Medicare policy about access to lifesaving services. This could be said to be a different kind of "death panel" operations. If this becomes a reality on Jan. 1, 2010, the government's insurer for the elderly and disabled would whack current Medicare reimbursements to cardiologists and oncologists for critical care services. Now what I want to know is this: What in God's name is this but a "death panel" by any description? Now don't you feel better about Medicare if this becomes law and you are in one of the categories? A lot of doctors are screaming because it is true this would dramatically change the delivery of heart and cancer care. Decisions would be made based on cost. Good luck for you out there who would be exposed to this roulette wheel approach to some serious problems.

ACORN A Bunch Of Nuts

This liberal group of community activists has once again been exposed for getting voters any way possible, legal or not. Even Liberals are saying, "ACORN? Never heard of it." Some videos of wrongdoing are now making the rounds now and ACORN nuts are trying to defend the indefensible. But rest easy, my friends. The lead nut for ACORN is saying she is launching an independent review of videotapes that has exposed this slimy operation for what it is: A slimy group. Secret videotapes show a nut saying to actors posing as a pimp and prostitute on how to buy a home and turn it into a brothel. The primary goal of ACORN is to register new voters in the black community. It doesn't matter how they get the names; it's all about numbers. The more names a worker gets, the more money said worker gets. It's a process deeply rooted in deceit and dishonesty. Now these "nuts" have been exposed for what they are and liberals are running for the hills.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Black Caucus' Extremism Rears Its Ugly Head

Well, I was wrong. I thought, maybe for the first time, that the Democrats' Black Caucus would pass on its usual black outrage when anything Republican comes into play. Silly me. Here's the latest: The caucus wants to smash the conservative Rep. Joe Wilson R-South Carolina) who dared say "You lie!" to the President of the United States during his tough talk about the health care issue. Rep. James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip, a black man from South Carolina told the Washington Post, he believes the dastardly act smacks of racism. This sickening reaction of the charge on this issue, like 90 million other times in kneejerk fashion, is too much. What ever happened to that line, "Can't we just all get along?"? I don't know but I do know there is not a shread of evidence Wilson's words were anything but an emotional, honest disagreement with the President. You know it and I know it. This is an emotionally-charged issue and Obama has handled it poorly. Maybe the Black Causus senses that and are just protecting the nation's first black President. Now, I wish Wilson hadn't yelled at the President, but I also criticize groups like the Black Caucus for their typical overraction. I know I'm asking for a lot and it might be impossible, but I do know one thing: This defense of the President by using the racial defense is absurd. The automatic assumption that Wilson is a racist simply because he's white and from South Carolina is sickening. Until we conservatives deal with this kind of rank intimidation has to be challenged with fervor and aggressiveness. Wilson has apologized twice. That should be enough. As I said, this issue is as tough as it gets, and now, thank you very much, the caldron has been stirred by silly members of the Black Causus. Oh, one more thing: I defy any liberal to tell me the treatment from the right is anywhere near the treatment delivered President George Bush from the sickos on the left. Any takers on this bet?

The Tax Man Cometh....Trust Me

President Barack Obama can count on Rep. Barney Frank, one of the loudest mouths among the pure-bred liberals in Washington, not too far ahead of the President with his liberal feelings, by the way. Well, the Prez apparently is fond of Frank and hopes Frank can help him drive through the health overhaul. San it isn't so, Mr. President. In other moments, I wouldn't give Frank the time of day. What is scary is Frank says we've got to have tax increases on you and me and he wants to whack the numbers of military people we have. Obama sure knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yes, He Said It Right

I'm been asked maybe 10,000 times, what is your position on Obama's health care plans? Well, I'm not a doctor, insurance or politician, but I can tell you that it makes no sense to let government have its greedy hands on anything. My main sticky point is this: The money that Obama wants to make available is mind-blogging, insane. Tweak the current programs, but for God's sake, don't spend any more money in the magnitude he's talking about, a trillion, trillion and a half or even three or four, five or six trillion. What's a couple of trillion dollars to a liberal? Well, one doctor has said it pretty well in USA Today: he starts out with this declaration -- My medical oath requires no government oversight. Put simply, he says, "We (doctors) already have our moral directive. And, at the risk of contridicting our President, we have one incentive, too: the patient. I am guided by egalitarian principles. I was taught in medical school and residency to treat all patients the same, regardless of income level, VIP status, their gender or the color of their skin. My obese patients receive the same level of as my thin patients, my old patients the same as my young patients. I distinguish only in terms of conditions or medical risk, not in terms of demography entitlements. I was trained to never give up hope in curing a patient until hope it truly gone. It requires no government entitlements. My principles run contrary to the idea of meeting with a 65-year-old to discuss specific ways I may withdraw care. Perhaps it's not a death panel, but a measure in one House bill pushes in care in ways that cause me discomfort...." He continues: "I don't receive moral guidance on how to practice medicine from presidential decree." In closing, the doctor said: "It might be good politics to vilify the insurance industry, or drug makers or even doctors. But my-way-or-the-highway didn't work so well with the last President. And based on the reaction across America today, it isn't working in this health care debate either." Hooray. I want to hug this doctor and I hope the White House is listening, but I doubt it. Liberals don't listen too well. The doctor putting everything straight is Dr. Marc Siegel, an internist and associate professor of medicine at NYU and a member of USA Today's Board of Contributors.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Winners, Losers

LOSERS: Finally, the U.S. Census Bureau has done what it should have done a long time ago: Sever its ties to a wild-eyed group of radicals known as ACORN. Here's what the head of the U.S. Census Bureau said: "It is clear that ACORN's affiliation with the 2010 census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 census efforts." ACORN's operations are overwhelming focused in black communities and there have been tons of complaints that volunteers are judged (money, dudes) by signing up anything breathing. ACORN offered no comment on the Census Bureau's action. I guess they are still out there taking information that will aid its cause. This is high time in coming and I commend the Census Bureau for doing what's right. It's particularly good news because ACORN (Association of Community Organizations) once had the support of the Census Bureau. ......LOSER: Van Jones got the boot from the Obama Administration for a combined number of egregious comments. It got scant news coverage and I'll bet you had no clue it happened, did you? Jones headed up one of the "Green" operations. The White House offered no comment when Jones finally used up his effectiveness, but once upon a time top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett said: "We watched him for a long time and we recruited him for the White House.".........LOSERS: The American public. If you bought into what Obama said during his speech the other night, aswer me one thing: Did he say anything, ANYTHING, new?.........LOSERS: CNN. It jumped the gun on a practice like it does every day and CNN thought it was the real thing. Panic set in until the truth got out. I was always taught get it first, but get it right. ..........WINNERS: The Memphis Redbirds moving on in the playoffs. But there's a LOSER here, too. The Morning Publication used a picture that showed, oh, maybe five people and a whole lot of empty seats.

This Is Insane; Stop It NOW!

I was moving through the morass of news today when I came upon something that made by blood boil -- a memberof the British military died while trying to rescue a member of the New York Times. It happened during a pre-dawn raid in Afghanistan. I think this is insane for the British or U.S. military to rescue journalists who have been captured during operations. . The military has enough on its hands and it only adds to the danger when trying to rescue media-types. I'm against it and journalists in danger zones should provide for their own safety. Period.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Talk About Sick

I don't know Eugene Robinson, a political columnist for the Washington Post. But I think I have a pretty good handle on what drives him. If his current column about a Republican yelling from the audience "you lie" to the President on health care, well, it's no surprise that he would bring up racism. Robinson goes to great length to castigate Rep. Joe Wilson, a Republican by the way, on Obama's plan that would not cover illegals. Fine. Wilson is a big boy and he can take care of himself. Besides, this issue of health care evokes a lot of emotion. My beef with Robinson, though, is what he said near the end of his column. Here's what he said (and this is verbatim): "......You will note that I have not yet mentioned race. (I'm already heading for the john to throw up). "....for the record, I suspect that Obama's race leads some of his critics to feel they have permission to deny him the legitimacy, stature and common courtesy that are any president's due. I can't prove this, however. And if I'm right, what's anybody supposed to do about it? There's no way to compel people to search their souls for traces of conscious or unconscious racial bias. We could have an interesting discussion about the historical image of the black man in American society, but that wouldn't get us any closer to universal health care......" Now what do you make of that? I think it's sick and so typical that anytime (or almost any time) that Barack draws legitimate disagreement, his defenders trumpet it's a racist rant. Robinson should consider what he has said. But I sincerely doubt that he has the capacity to do so, quite frankly. It's just to easy to yell "racist" and walk away. Such professional recklessness is sick.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What's New, Mr. President?

Much ado about nothing. That's what I got out of President Obama's speech to the Congress last night. In a more succinct way, it was political hogwash. The real key, to me, was there was nothing new. Remember one thing: He said "there are details to be worked out......" Hold on to your wallets, Mr. and Ms. America.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Clearly, "Progressive" Means A Place To Hide

I've had difficulty understanding Liberals for a long, long time. Liberals don't seem to be proud of that word because it's almost across the board that Liberals are now "Progressives." Sounds like a name change designed to provide political cover, don't you think? Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, a pure-bred Liberal if there ever was one, allows himself to sink into that hidden darkness of referring to Liberals over and over as Progressives. Maybe he's not aware of what he's saying, huh? I, for one, will spend no more time on this trite bit of camouflage. I'm a conservative. Period. No hiding here for me. But Liberals are Progressives, a name change that spells coward. You make of this what you want, you Liberals.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Thing Is For Sure With This President ......

I've heard many things about President Obama since he took office. He's understanding; he's patient; On and on......But one thing is, I believe, for sure -- he's got no guts. The latest observation is his speech to school children around the country. There was one passage that asked students to help the President. Many of my conservative friends -- correctly so -- objected to that passage as "pure politics." Of course it was. Well, the apologist-In-Chief quickly sliced that paragraph out of the speech. It was a cowardly thing to do, but this President has made it clear before -- and he's doing it again -- that he is afraid of confrontation. Don't you think? He's also thrown out a key element of his health care fiasco. He's consorting with the enemy, positioning this country as chief apologist with the Muslim world. Oh, I've had enough.

It's About Time On Purging The Voting Rolls

Let's make this simple: I'm outraged at the criticism leveled at the Republican-controlled voter rolls in Shelby County. It's absurd; it's shallow. This is something that has been needed for quite some time and it took the Republicans to do it. Now many blacks -- naturally -- are yelling racism. Just shut up, will you? According to my information, about 60,000 have been purged, many, MANY of them Republicans. More cuts are coming and I don't think any amount of pressure from the black community will matter. Remember how this happened? Democrats have controlled the election commissions around the state for a long, long time. Here's how it works: the party winning control of the House and Senate in the legislature also gain control of the election commissions. It's a powerful thing. Republicans won control of both houses in the last election. It was guaranteed to bring calls of racism, but Joseph Kyles, a community activist, couldn't resist the charges of racism. I asked him recently if he could name me one instance of fraud. I'm still waiting for an answer.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Camelot? You Can't Be Serious

I've heard it until I want to pout cotton in my ears. "Camelot." It foolishly portrayed the Kennedy clan in a glorious fashion that was as calculating as the family that bore this insane overview of a family of greed and things too numerous to print. The passing of Teddy Kennedy to a brain tumor has brought the focus again to "Camelot." The most liberal -- by far -- of the Kennedy boys left Teddy not knowing if his beloved health care became fact. Many now say this will speed the certainty of a health care overhaul. I hope not. It's as bad an idea now as it was before his death. And now I fully anticipate more outrage by the libs because of this post who blindly looked past the sordid side of Teddy and his brothers. I've gone through this before, but facts and the umbrella of a false cover of "Camelot" doesn't change the overview of this family to me, even when death visits and the media goes overboard. "Camelot?" That's too much and you know it.

Doctors Get Slammed, So Change The Debate

One of the things that bugs me the most about the health care debate is something that isn't even on the table. And it's shameful.
The debate about health care reform in this country better wake up, because the liability question that doctors have to deal with could be a major point for discussion, but, alas, it is not part of the debate. I'm talking about liability targeting doctors. Right now doctors have to pay, collectively, for liability insurance and it is a staggering amount. It's why doctors operate out of fear and the cost in savings if this fear abates is also staggering. It seems to me to be clear that doctors need this issue to be a part of the debate and until it is, well, the discussion is meaningless. Doctors by the thousands are now operating in fear, fear that is damaging to say the least. I'd like to hear from you on this part of the debate which, unbelievably, isn't on the table. How can this be? It's unhealthy.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Moans And Growns...And Who Is Lying?

Most of us seem to be all in a dither about the NCAA's handling of Derrick Rose being ineligible while playing basketball at the University of Memphis.
I've covered numerous NCAA investigations during my journalistic career and this one is really not hard to explain: Somebody's lying, maybe several, depending on the gullibility factor. For example: It borders on being stupid to believe that all of the denials have a stink attached to them.
But, consider this: What if the Tigers had WON the national championship against Kansas, instead of losing a game they should have won, blowing a big lead down the stretch? Talk about explosions! Would the penalty have been more tougher? Undoubtedly so. Now for what you already know: I don't know how people can say the ruling of losing all 38 games last season because Rose played in every one of them, including two regular-season games and that last game against Kansas, is all wet. It is entirely appropriate, as I see it.
Now, there was other news yesterday: The Tiger golf team also suffered in the NCAA findings, but that pales beside the basketball wallop. The basketball team will also have to return a bunch of money to the NCAA and former coach John Calipari could -- COULD -- have to return some $300,000-plus in bonuses for advancing to the championship game. We'll know more after the NCAA considers the university's appeal. But let us return to the central core of this embarrassing mess: Who is lying? Do you believe Calipari that he knew nothing about it. What about using the plausible deniability defense? That's a phrase used by many Presidents of the United States in knowing, but not knowning. What about Rose, who is now beyond the reach of the NCAA; he's playing for the Chicago Bulls and making millions. Let us return, though, my dear, gullible, friends reading this. Who lied? Will we ever know? The Tiger defense surely is going to be based on the NCAA clearinghouse giving the go-ahead for Rose to compete. He certainly qualified for a lot of doubt by failing the test three times before "passing " it. Fail it three times and then, voila, success. Not likely. And the site of that final test? We've got to consider this: It happened in Detroit, we're told. Detroit? DETROIT? What's up with that? Maybe Rose felt more at ease instead of in his own backyard. So many questions, so few answers. OK, until we find out whose lying, you have to look for something tangible: I submit to you that the problem with grades and transcripts and the need to recruit less-than-eligible young guys who came out of the womb bouncing a basketball, we will have these moments of shaking our collective heads. I will close at this time with something I've asked for, oh, maybe a million times: Clean up this mess and if poor students in that ill-placed belief that they are student-athletes, forget it. Hogwash. They are athletes. Period. Forget the student deal. Now, we've gotten this far and there is still no conclusion: Who was lying?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tigers To Appeal NCAA Ruling

The University of Memphis basketball record of last season -- 38 wins and a close loss to Kansas for the national championship -- has been invalidated by the NCAA Committee on Infractions.
The university has said it will appeal, but in my experience in covering NCAA infractions is that appeals rarely work. In fact, the NCAA can add on penalties if a university chooses to appeal and that's because the NCAA is judge, jury and executioner. In today's press release, the Tiger basketball program was found guilty of major violations. The most serious violation centered around former Tiger point guard Derrick Rose had some one take his SAT for him. Rose vehemently denied the charge. The university's president, university counsel and athletic director appeared in a press conference shortly after the NCAA announced the penalties and each looked stunned at the ruling. Rose, from Chicago, is now with the Chicago Bulls in the NBA. He was never going to play more than one season with the Tigers, opting as many outstanding players now do, to go "one-and-done." He was one of the most coveted players in the country before settling on the Tigers, a recruiting coup for former Tiger coach John Calipari. Calipari, now the head coach at the University of Kentucky, was cleared of any wrongdoing by the NCAA investigation. Calipari now has been at two universities where the NCAA has been the head coach where an entire season has been taken away. His UMass team in 1996 when it was found that the team's star, Marcus Camby, had taken money from an agent.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Pressure Is On

News comes to the Memphis City Schools that it is a finalist of a grant of $100 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. If the Memphis school system wins, it would use the money to improve U.S. teacher quality. Goodness knows it is needed in a system that has way too many incompetent teachers. MCS Supt. Kriner Cash called it "extraordinarily good news." Cash said this "only means that we are moving forward" in the process. Other school systems in the running are Atlanta, Hillsborough, Fla., Prince George's County, Md., West Palm Beach, Fla., Omaha, Neb., Denver, Los Angeles Charter School Management Corp., and Pittsburgh. The pressure is on Memphis' troubled system and it would be a hard pill to swallow. Saying we made the final cut isn't good enough, is it? It would be devastating on a national scale.

Great Line!

One of the best lines I've seen recently was this newspaper line saying Brett Farve is returning to the NFL: "The Ego Has Landed." Favre has this habit of saying he's coming back, then not. Back and forth. It's a little ridiculous. Anyway, Favre will apparently suit up soon with the Minnesota Vikings. The Ego line is a take-off of that bigger line, in my opinion, of the words of a U.S. astronaut saying "The Eagle Has Landed"on the moon.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's Left To Say?

Please say it isn't so. But, sadly, it is. "King" Willie Herenton is on the prowl again and he's testing what little understanding to hit the sidelines. Game over. But here he goes again, changing his mind, doing things that leave us to say, collectively, we're all nuts. I have come to the point to say he's definitely nuts. I think most people have come to this conclusion. He's pulled a petition to run for his old job, Mayor of the City of Memphis. He resigned that position recently and there was fanfare all all of that stuff about his 18 years in office. There were some good things in those 18 years, but, overwhelming, it was a downhill slide. I have said it before and I'll say it again: Historians will be a harsh judge of His Majesty. Extremely harsh. And let me say it with force: Memphians will spend years recovering from his tenure. The position he has put on the city is spending $1 million dollars for a special election, to find, of all things, a successor to Herenton......and he might end up holding the position once again. What's left to say? He's driven all of us nuts.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Let's Do Some Snitching Ourselves

Oh, no. Say it isn't so.
Liberals apparently are telling their clones out in the Hinterlands to e-mail them and tattle on those who are trying to "undermine" proposals that are coming out of the White House at the speed of light. I am stunned that liberals would do this, but it's a sure sign -- isn't it? -- that the American people, large numbers of them, are not buying that toothy grin of our President. Oh, there are plenty of liberals who believe that Obama is the Chosen One, but if this is true about the Snitch Detail then you might want to review your blind support. I suggest you snitch on those you find out are snitching. It's the least we can do and maybe our wonderful liberal media will have enough -- uh, you know what part of our anatomy I'm talking about -- to expose what the White House is doing.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Did It Cost Us? I Want To Know

There comes a time when one has to stand back from the crowd and do the right thing. This is one of those times. Two American journalists stupidly were captured by the North Koreans. Naturally, the trumped-up charge against them was they were spying for the United States. I doubt it was true but it created an international furor. After months of negotiating for their release, in came the posse -- former President Bill Clinton and a lot of Democrats who now have sprained hands from patting themselves on the back. Enough already. I want to know what we had to give to this sordid, worthless country? I'm serious. I still hold to what this country's policy on terrorists was you don't deal with terrorists.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mr. Mom Is Doing Fine

"How you doin', Mr. Mom?"
It's the overwhelming question I am asked since experiencing the loss of my radio show.
The other one that's close is "we sure miss you on the radio," or, "how can we get you back, you left such a hole?......."
Well, first things first.
I've settled into a routine and let me tell you something -- I have a new appreciation for the traditional role of women.
My daily routine, with some exceptions, includes doing the wash, in both the kitchen and utility room. How many clothes can one woman wear? Well, that's going to get me into trouble because my wife works a full-time job and I'm a stay-at-home Mom. Oh, well, next comes dinner. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about breakfast or lunch, that is unless
my wife is home. I've now been looking for some kind of lotion because washing and cooking can leave you with dry hands.
The toughest thing about preparing dinner is the choices. My wife set me up a long time agi, at least a year or so, when she came home looking for a glass of wine and a soft chair. "What a day!" she said. I whispered about her "tough" day. "Yeah," I said to myself, "tell me about it...."
Well, I've been proud of myself and I'm beginning to branch out in the selection of the meals. Look, spaghetti or chili tends to draw looks again of "oh, no, not again," all the while not hurting my feelings with those silent looks.
I finally made the connection and I blurted out, "Okay, I know what you're thinking. I do. You want more variation, don't you? Go ahead, say it.:
My wife finally rescued me -- and our daughter -- that it was only fair to come up with other selections. They've been very helpful, but I have to admit anything I cook doesn't have the experience that Margaret has (hint, hint because I know she will get around to reading this when I'm not looking.
I'm also big in grocery shopping.
Now this is a real challenge, even though Margaret leaves a detailed note, one I couldn't read if my life depended on it. She doesn't know it until now, but I've met some of the nicest people at Kroger. They seem to know the code of lists put in the hands of hubby.
This confession is sometimes good because I can make choices and the wife just smiles. See, those lists confirming what you purchase doesn't allow for cheating. What the heck, I slip in a doughnut here or there. I also spend a lot of time not shopping at Kroger. People who by now know me ask about sports and the Obama administration, the University of Memphis basketball team. I've started to worry that I might get some of the Kroger staff in trouble, that's why I've asked them to move along with me under the cover of me now knowing that the heck I'm looking for.
I have come to the conclusion that shopping for food is punishment for any number of things. What have I done wrong? That's especially tough because I don't keep count; women, believe me, do.
So, I guess that about covers it for now. I've learned an awful lot since changing my life. I've really gotten into this thing. My wife is complimenting me a lot; that's helps. If you see me wobbling around Kroger or Wal-Mart, say hello.
I'm Mr. Mom and proud of it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Herenton: Can We Live Without Him?

I was sitting in the Hall of Mayors recently when "King" Willie Herenton was saying good-bye.
It was, as usual, all about him. Some things we can credit with this odd, hard-to-read, self-serving public figure that is tryly the most controversial fellows we ever seen. Or will see.
He's bombastic, he's sold on his self, and one of his comments was how Memphis has benefitted from his almost 18 years of service.
Is that true?
I don't think so.
As a matter of fact, I don't think he has tackled any of the major problems from taking office to the present. Unfair? Again, I don't think so. He's personally responsible for driving a lot of people -- and businesses -- out of Memphis and they almost certainly will not return, even with a more moderate, less bombastic leader.
We can go on and on and we need to say he's the first black superintendent of Memphis City Schools and the first black Mayor of the City of Memphis. But here's where you -- and historians -- come into play. There will be mixed reports of good and bad. My report card will be heavier on the negative side. What could have been isn't. And never will be.
I can't help but believe that Herenton will primarily be judged in the matter of this racially-torn city during his tenure. You cannot deny Herenton's report card will be mixed at best in this area because he pulled on race to get him where he's ended up, at least until his congressional race against Steve Cohen is over. Even here, Herenton has used the red-hot race issue. It will be come again because it's the core of his support.
Other factors in the endless analysis of "King" Willie Herenton will go on and on and on. The "Toy Towns" issue, one of 10 areas Memphis annexed in Herenton's tenure. It prevented he ennexed area from incorporating and leaving Memphis; the battle for control of the political landscape in Memphis and the fact that Herenton single-handidly beat the Ford Machine. As we've said, there is plenty to digest.
The burning question that Herenton embraced was he was ordained by God to serve Memphis. Do you believe that? I don't.
Now let the analysis begin.

Say It Ain't So (But It Is)

I wonder how many U.S. Senators and House Representatives have read any or all parts of the government-controlled health offerings in Washington?
One, two, none. I'm betting on none.
And they want us to trust them?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How About An Apology?

Now that the truth has come out involving a Harvard professor and a police officer , it would be appropriate to ask for apologies.
No. 1 – The President of the United States;
No. 2—Professor Gates.
Shame on both of them for elevating race into the officer’s investigation of a burglary call that, naturally, brought race into it.
President Obama not only pushed the race issue brought up by, you guessed it, the professor, he escalated the furor by saying the officer reacted stupidly.
Neither the President or Gates, who obviously has a chip on his shoulder, seem to get the point that they – not the officer – are responsible for this racial episode. Period. I’m sick and tired of this kind of attitude when the poor officer was doing his job. Here’s what happened. Professor Gates was trying to get into his home and was having a difficult time because the door was jammed. His driver tried to assist him and that’s when a call to police from one of Gates’ neighbors went out to police that a burglary was in motion.
The officer responded and that lit the fireworks went off almost immediately. One thing led to another and when Gates made a racial remark. The officer, mind you, is white. Gates ultimately was handcuffed, taken downtown and photographed. Things really went off the deep end after that.
Gates demanded an apology after charges were dropped and the President came to his side, even saying the officer reacted “stupidly.” His words; the President’s words! Can you believe it?
President Obama admitted he didn’t have all the facts at a press conference, and even added to his botched job with those words. Therefore, I have no reservation in describing this mess by saying he should apologize.
Anyway, a little more patience would have told Gates and the President of his outstanding background, especially in the area of racial profiling. He heads up the department’s handling of racial profiling and any officer has to go through intensive training in this area.
Now, let me add that the officer has said he will not ever apologize. I don’t think he has to, do you? He handled it in textbook fashion. He’s made the right call, at least from where I sit. And his fellow officers – both black and white – gave him straight A’s as well.
Now if he can just get those two apologies.

Talk About Overreaction

My, my, my. The President of these United States has elevated a sticky situation involving his Harvard buddy and a police officer. I think the President boldly overreacted and had no business escalating the problem, if there is truly a problem to begin with. Naturally this has been made into a racial firestorm.
According to the police report, Barack Obama’s buddy, black scholar Henry Louis Gates, got in a shouting match with the police officer who had responded to a reported break-in, that information of a “break-in” came from a neighbor who saw two men – as it turns out Gates and his driver – trying to get inside.
The police officer responding to the call arrived on the scene and began talking to Gates. One thing led to another and Gates was asked to step outside. He originally refused, ultimately came outside, according to the police report, and asked if the officer was ordering him outside because he is a black man.
Gates also demanded to see his badge and asked him for his name. At this point, Gates was handcuffed. Seems to me the scholar has a chip on his shoulder. Either that or he was insulted that the police officer did not know Gates was a black scholar.
Truth be told, I’m betting that Memphians would not know Gates is if they ran into him in a mall.
Anyway, this seems to me that the racial nature of this was invented out of rage that Gates was handcuffed or that anyone in a position of authority, especially a police officer, and especially a white officer, would dare insult him.
The whole thing turned into a shameful episode and then the President makes it worse. At a press conference primarily dealing with the administration’s battle for running national healthcare from the Oval Office, he called the police reaction was “stupid.”
The police officer has said he will not apologize for the way he handled the situation and I’ll bet any police department would say they would not handle it any differently.
I think we’ll find out that Gates was insulted that the officer didn’t know who he was.
I can tell you what will happen next: All police officers in this community near Harvard will have to carry a book with the pictures of faculty members.

Stanley Betrayed His Trust

Once again a high-profile politician lets his powerful position go to his head.
Sen. Paul Stanley, a Republican from Germantown, has resigned his position as chairman of the powerful Senate Commerce, Labor & Agriculture Committee because of an admitted sexual relationship with an intern in his office. This comes out as a result of a blackmail attempt against Stanley by the boyfriend of the intern. According to an affidavit, Stanley admitted having sex and taking pictures of the intern in Stanley’s Nashville apartment.
Stanley, according to the affidavit, went to the TBI and a sting operation was put into play with Stanley paying $10,000 for the pictures and video. The boyfriend was arrested during the exchange.
In a personal aside, I’ve known Stanley for a long time and this just pains my heart. But then I ask: How stupid can you be? Stanley has not said much about it, but he did say he would not resign from his Senate


So help me, this is a comment City Councilman Barbara Swearengen Ware made in the heat of guns in our parks controversy paraphrased: We’ve got enough illegal guns in the park; we don’t need to add to the list (with legitimate permit holders).
Looks to me like we’ve got this all wrong, but that’s not news. All these anti-gun lugnuts have their focus (and venom) focused in the wrong direction. Look, I don’t want anyone to lose their life, but we’ve got a huge problem with this campaign directed against legitimate protection rights.
Madam councilman Ware, like the leadership of the Morning Publication, are all wet, in my opinion. Their focus is in the wrong direction.
Remember Ms. Ware’s absurd words, we’ve got enough illegal guns in the parks and we don’t need more.
And let me add, once again delivered with disdain, the editor of the Morning Publication, Chris Peck. This fellow is a hypocrite. He directed his Nashville staff to focus on a report that permit holders were responsible for seven police officers. That’s sad by any measurement. But what galls me is Peck and his ilk don’t seem to direct their “guns” are the real problem. Why do I say this? Buried, and I mean buried, in that report was this admission: The 50 shooting deaths by permit holders is a tiny fraction of the estimated 30,000 people killed in firearm homicides, accidents and suicides annually in the U.S.

Monday, July 13, 2009

No Surprise Here, Another Stimulus On The Way?

I’m going to start giving you examples of “America, We’re Doomed”, thanks to the insane liberals now in power.
Let’s start with the idea that we need another stimulus infusion. You can’t make it up. Trust me. You knew it was coming, didn’t you?
Now these misguided missiles who proudly call themselves liberals are bound and determined to send this country into purgatory. Wake up, my friends. Pay attention. This is serious stuff and I don’t want you to wake up in a year or so and find out that what I’ve have been preaching since Barak Hussein Obama won the presidential election. Whoa, I said.
Now I’m saying it again. Give liberals power and they will abuse it time and time again. Remember where you heard it first. Now you can weep with me.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If You're Not Sick, You're Ignoring The Facts

Have you checked lately at our debt?
Well let me remind you that every American owes the equivalent -- and this really hurts -- $37,000 . That amounts to a staggering $11.4 trillion with it rising $1 trillion a year, soon, almost certainly to grow tremendously beyond that if Barack Obama keeps dipping into our pocketbooks. Unfortunately, my friends, there is not much chance that we will ever escape.
Those economists, both conservatives and liberals, are pleading to stop the madness but nobody seems to have a clue how to do that. Now that Obama has a 60-40 edge in the U.S. Senate, a filibuster proof advangage for his liberal policies , we are in for a disaster that may sink this country.
Don’t laugh and chalk this off to a disgruntled conservative -- namely me – because you know exactly what I know. I feel sick -- again -- because our taxes are going to grow and grow and grow.

A New Name Game In Memphis

I can’t tell you how happy I am that Memphis Mayor “King” Willie Herenton and 9th District Congressman Steve Cohen are going to be involved in the biggest political fight ever in Memphis. The Mayor threw out the “A” hole word at Cohen in an interview with Memphis’ tabloid.
My only problem with Herenton is he didn’t include his own name on this prestigious list. Shame on you, Mr. Mayor. If anyone belongs on it, His Majesty does.
Cohen is well-known for his temper and Herenton will exploit it every chance he gets. Cohen’s temper was recently seen when he kicked an Armenian-American out of his Midtown house during a press interview. The man has planned a documentary about the U.S. Congress’ support of aid to and support to the Turkish government.
Armenians were slaughtered decades ago by the Turks and they have never forgotten it.
Anyway, I may just start my own list that Herenton has started.
One of my first choices is a fellow that shall remain nameless (and clueless) in Talk Radio. He gives Talk Radio a bad name and he Thaddeus Mathews, a real scumbag if there ever was one. He deserves this “prestigious” spot because he shoots first and asks questions later. Let me be clear: He is what’s bad with Talk Radio and is something I loathe.
Matthews’ latest harangue with what he’s best at: Racial warfare. He’s never far from engaging in it and Memphis has enough of his kind. He’s attacked Shelby County Mayor AC Wharton and, amazingly, Wharton did what Matthews was hoping for – he responded to him.
Mr. Mayor, you caved. This racial scoundrel wants that and nothing else. Help all of us by minimizing this racemonger. Please. He’s making me reconsider my steadfast point that freedom of speech is one of our most cherished and treasured rights.

National Health Care... No, Thank You

National heathcare?
Are you kidding me?
I don’t care what you think of my analysis, it is a move to once again let big government take over everything in our lives. We can’t afford it. We are going to come to the point quickly where we mention big government and in the same breathe understand that we’re talking gazillion dollars. Gazillion, not just trillion.
That’s just what will cover the first 10 years of the Ted Kennedy baloney.You must quit listening to these uber-liberals who think in terms of money and tons more money. The idea of big government is in the DNA of all liberals. Listen to me. Here’s what you should look at: The analysis of the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan look at this bankrupt idea by the libs.
Another thing: The GAO put another dagger in the heart of this insane deal when it said it will provide only 16 million of the estimated 47 million uninsured Americans. If this fact along doesn’t cause you to pause then you are a lost cause.
I am also willing to say that the libs’ plans are trying to make it sound more accepting to skeptics that those who want to stay in the private health sector would have the choice of staying with their current doctor and insurance plans. Oh, now don’t you feel better? Read the fine print, please. The Obama-Kennedy vote-getting plan would be voluntary. Now who in the world believes that the Obama-Kennedy plan would siphon off many in the private sector and it would eventually collapse the health care we now have.
Woe is me; woe is you if you let this misguided missile come into fruition.

Why Is This So Complicated?

When, on when, will we come to a point to where we look at the Latino invasion in the fairest way possible: Welcome those who want to go to the legal process and ship out the illegals. Here we out. I get sick and tired of seeing so many, primarily on the political left and churches, who can’t understand this simple fact: Illegals out of here! Simple, isn’t it? The law is the law is the law………

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2-Year-Olds Are Running The Morning Publication

I’m sorry. No, I’m not sorry because I’ve seen so many stupid things occur at The Morning Publication that one could not believe it could top the last thing.
Well, here’s the latest and I now know that it is not wise to take the newspaper for granted.
It seems the paper has its shorts in a knot because the rest of the country is not familiar with the paper’s ability to know what’s good for the country. I refer to the screed in the paper saying crime statistics are killing Memphis’ reputation. Understand this: Memphis is one of the most violent cities in the country, Anyone from Memphis knows it except the leadership of the paper. Talk about adults who are really 2-year-olds!
Memphis, you see, keeps meticulous records on killings, rapes, the biggest things that any city loathes, especially the Chambers of Commerce and those who make a living promoting their city. Now The Morning Publication is irate that this is unfair and they say they will not run any more stories showing Memphis is doing it fairly and the rest of the country is not being truthful.
I say to Chris Peck, the leader of the 2-years-old pack at The Morning Publication, should quit acting like 2-year-olds. Period.

It’s Getting Nasty Out There

Mayor “King” Willie has dropped some bombs out there, the latest of calling Rep. Steve Cohen an A…hole. Well, I’ve told you that this was going to be one of the nastiest campaigns in the history of this city.

Funny thing, I have the feeling that both feel comfortable operating under that banner. Cohen has a hair-trigger temper and I would be shocked to see him move through the campaign without it showing up. His Majesty is, well, you know as well as I do.

Let the games begin.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Turn..........

Michael Jackson is gone, but the freakish nature of this entertainment machine will be with us for some time. It's interesting -- sad, really -- to watch his father and the usual hangers-on who come out at night to play leading roles. The usual bunch, I might add. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton.
It's really quite absurd. Sick may be a better descriptive evaluation.
I know Jackson was a money-making machine from the time he was 5, but it's quite hard to feel anything for the fellow with his personal background. Parents being bought off and millions, even billions, looking past his sick behavior behind closed doors. Money will buy you a lot of things and it clearly needed with Jackson on the loose, isn't it?

Have you noticed this campaign on the part of many Memphians who are painting a picture of the city that simply is amazing to me. I think it's a matter of trying to convince people that what you see and hear about crime and lousy public education is a figment of one's mind. Don't believe it. Many of these individual are the ones who have fought so hard against having a permit to carry a weapon. You know it and I know it. Don't buy into it, at least if you want to be as safe as possible.

Oh, the "King" Willie saga! Will this fellow ever go away? Probably not. But I still say he will defeat Congressman Steve Cohen in the 9th District. Cohen has never faced anyone like Herenton. Race will dominate whether you like it or not. Herenton won't hesitate to get as dirty as necessary to win.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Winners, Losers

LOSER: The power that Chris Peck has as editor of ther Morning Publication can sometimes blow up in his face. I challenged Peck to list in any shooting death in Memphis to say if the shooter has a permit to carry or not. He has steadfastly refused to do it, but he had no problem with listing shooting deaths if they had permits to carry. Fair? Of course not.

LOSER: Chris Peck. No, I'm not picking on the dude, but he's part of the strangest thing I've ever seen involving the Morning Publication. Peck and other top leaders at the newspaper threw a special supplemental section in a recent publication that went to great lengths to say the newspaper is going to publish tomorrow, the next day and so on and so forth. Obviously it was designed to show the newspaper's goal was to thwart that its death -- like many other publications aroung the country -- is close. Hummmmm, makes me think it must be bad at 495 Union and worse than we thought, otherwise why goes to such lengths to say everything is good.

WINNER: Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder and CEO, recently had a liver transplant at a hospital in Tennessee. No hospital was revealed, but its nice to see anything in our state be singled out for doing good work. A little birdie tells me the operation was performed in Memphis, most likely Methodist University Hospital. Jobs and Fed/Ex's Fred Smith mean more to their respective companies than anybody I know.

LOSER: The weather. It's hot and I hate it.

LOSERS: Memphis Mayor "King" Herenton and Stevie Cohen, a congressman representing the 9th District in Memphis. Why both men? Because I said so. I was asked the other day how I would rate them and if race would be used in the election if Herenton follows through in running for the position. Are you kidding? Herenton has already mentioned race and it will only intensify.

LOSER: The Morning Publication for its stupid editorial comment that said the gun legislation passed by the General Assembly only appealed to special interest groups. I beg to differ with the staunchly anti-gun pulbication. There are over 300,000 permits b eing carried around by Tennesseans. It's quite sickening to see the publication act to foolish.

LOSER: Former House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh has won the title of Speaker Emeritus. Silly, really silly. Nobody deserves that title unless it's voted on by the people. But, who should be surprised when Naifeh or his henchmen have insisted in the past that buildings, cars, horses, pigs be named for Naifeh. I've only been kidding -- just a tad -- that everything except the grass in yards have escaped this childish baloney. Oh, I wonder why a Tennessee Highway Patrol vehicle was seen several times at one of Naifeh's old haunts, a small grocery just down from the big Naifeh grocery. What could that be? Is he still getting favored treatment? If so, he doesn't deserve that, either. Used to be Naifeh had a Highway Patroman to drive him to and from Nashville. I always argued that it would be better if that trooper was out patrolling.

LOSERS: I'm willing to bet that the Morning Publication has two columnists (Otis Sanford and Wendi Thomas) that refer to race more than anybody else.