Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Now This One Takes The Cake

Anying involving black in the voting process in these times is guaranteed to create a real dust-up. Take, for example, one of the silliest things I've heard recently in a little hamlet in North Carolina. The Washington Times reports that President Obama's Justice Department has offended black voters in Kinston, N.C. by deciding they aren't able to handle choosing their own elected officials unless the candidates are listed on the ballots by party label. The Justice goons overruled Kinston's black voters who helped vote by a big margin to go along with the flow of other North Carolina towns holding non-partisan local elections. I kid you not. This has to be one of the most hair-brained things to come along in recent times. The Justice thugs are saying to blacks: Excuse the interruption but we don't think you are capable of making the right decision unless Democrats are labeled on the ballot. By a 2-to-one margin, black Kinston voters recently voted to eliminate party affiliations from local candidates' on election ballots. At Justice, the word came down we're going to overrule this vote because nonpartisan elections violate black voting rights.

1 comment:

  1. Big brother protectionism here. But I will have to agree with big brother on this one. It is a lot easier, if you are not acquainted with the candidates, just to block vote down the party line!!
