Friday, October 2, 2009

Winners, Losers

LOSER: President Barack Hussein Obama. I know, I know. That's a little tough, isn't it? After all, show a little respect for "our" President. Well, I say, remember that line "if the shoe fits....." This shoe fits most comfortably. It's about new, daunting tax increases over the next decade and the President is to blame for going back on his promise to not tax, not add one dime, during his first (hopefully last) term. I said this several months ago because there's no other way to get where he wants to go. Now the Heritage Foundation says new taxes could surpass $1.5 trillion, compliments of the President. The Heritage report says the new taxes will hit taxpayers "at all levels."...... WINNER: President Barack Hussein Obama. Huh? Yes. I've given out Loser and Winner awards combined before. This is one of those times. The President gets both for not revealing how many atomic weapons Israel has. It's a decades long fact that no American President has revealed this information. It frees Israel from revealing this for security reasons and it also means Israel doesn't have to comply with the International rules.......LOSER: Former President Jimmy Carter. Now he's saying he didn't say anything about critical talk about Obama being racist. I pity this man, don't you? Carter has lost it. LOSERS: All these Czar's appointed by President Obama are nothing short of left-wing lugnuts. These "Czars" are pathetic, dangerous dudes, all appointed by the President, or at least with his approval. They don't have to be vetted by the Senate.One of them, diversity Czar Mark Lloyd at the Federal Communications Commission wants white media executives to "step down" in favor of black minorities Van Jones was one of these Czars who was pushed out because of his socialist ideas. Another one, John Holdren, says the Constitution backs "compulsory" abortions. He's the science Czar....... WINNERS: The feds, happily, have come to their senses and lifted the ban on "Jesus" on the capitol Christmas tree. ....... I'm dead-set against mandatory flu shots in Shelby County. There are still too many questions.

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