Friday, October 9, 2009

This President Takes Narcissism To A New Level

I don't bet so I had to figure what else I could do about this morning's jolt of President Barrack Hussein Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. I told my friend that Obama, in all honesty, doesn't deserve the honor. I told him the president should not accept it. My buddy, a liberal, said "You conservatives are all the same; this is just another attack on the president.' No, I said, I'm serious but it will never happen. In a field of overt self-worth , politicians, in particular, and this president at the top of the list, would never turn it down. I reminded my friend that the Nobel selection process closed out for 2009 12 days after Obama took office. Now, I can't for the life of me see why Obama shouldn't return the prize based on this fact alone. I closed my argument with a whack of reality, directed at the recipient of a prize he doesn't deserve. He's the most narcissistic man on Earth, isn't he? I sure think so. My friend disagreed and I fired back to help him know where I was coming from: Here's the definition of narcissism, I said: "A beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection ...." Or put another way, my way in describing the recipient of the prize: "Return the prize?????? must be crazy. I deserve it. I am grateful to my friends (liberals) on the Nobel selection committee for making this day possible. I know I am worthy of this and they knew it and YOU know it...." In closing, I have some additional information that White House staff today was seen hanging up new, giant mirrors, particularly in the Oval Office. Makes it easier for a narcissis to feel at home.

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