Monday, September 28, 2009

Hey, It Might Be Worse Than I Thought

For the first time ever, a President of the United States of America is going to attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. It's in Copenhagan, Denmark. President Barack Hussein Obama is going with the express purpose of lending his considerable weight to land the 2016 Summer Olympics for the City of Chicago. Now that's where Obama calls home, Chicago is, and he might be pull this off. From my perspective, it's not heavy lifting compared to what Obama has yet to accomplish -- and that's everything he promised but hasn't delivered on. Or maybe he's pushing so hard on these other more important items that he sees his home base slipping away, even at this early stage. What has happened? Look, Obama is slipping even at this early stage and the 2010 elections will provide a test whether the liberal Democrats maintain their lofty position in the House and Senate. We'll see. But now for much more important matters. There's the Summer Olympics. Can we do without it? Please, I can't stop laughing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why, I Didn't Know That.....Did You?

Chris Peck is the editor of the Morning Publication and I have said before he is the poorest editor the newspaper has ever had. Is this a personal observation? Of course it is. I'm sure he has relationships with those who say my point is dead wrong. Fine. But let's move on. Today's newspaper is heavy with the results of crime in Memphis. Crime, with education right up there, is the most damaging aspect of living in Memphis. Now the newspaper has outdone itself. It is spending a lot of money and time telling us what surely we all know: Crime is draining this community. Did you know this? Was there anything -- ANYTHING -- new in this series that will run for numerous weeks? Look, I was involved in a similar crime spread when I was at the newspaper. What consumed our study then and Peck's "revelations" now brought us to a rock-hard conclusion: What's true then is true now: There's nothing new and nobody, including Peck, has any answers. So I can't wait for the summation. Oh, forgive me: I've already given you the summation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.......Yeah, Right!

I wrote an earlier blog about Iran being "outed" after 18 years of covering up its super-secret secret uranium enrichment facility. President Barack Hussein Obama has now "blasted" Iran a few hours ago for this egregious act. The President said Iran "is breaking rules that all nations must follow....." Look, I bet the Iranians are shaking in their boots, or whatever it is the ruling idiots wear. I mean it. Do you think any country, any man, fears our President? I don't think so. I think Mr. Nice Guy just doesn't have that fearful "don't tread on me" look that accompanies his speeches. Now it was different with former President George Bush, and certainly Ronald Reagan, and that little loud-mouth would hunker in a corner if Bush or Reagan raised their voices. You know its true. I therefore propose that our President let Israel do the talking; now that's a country that brings fear to the Iranians. Forget embargoes. That's too soft, but it's just right for our softball President.

Why Did Obama Wait?

The President of the United States continues to baffle me. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. My current beef comes from the "fact" that Iran has confirmed it has been working a super-secret uranium enrishment plant deep underground. The U.S., Franch and Britain apparently have known about this for some time. Finally, the facts are now coming out after Iran found out that the three countries know about the secret plant. Iranian officials informed the International Atomic Erergy Agency in the last few days. Our beloved President decided to say something about it today, but why in the world did he not bring it forward in his speech to the United Nations a few days ago? Why? Again, why? I'm afraid we can now say this man is more intent on making friends than in going after these skunks. Obama has now said the U.S. has known about it for years, maybe as long as 18 years. That includes former Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush, doesn't it? This is a disservice to the entire world to have let these madmen in Iran continue their evil work for such a long period of time and all that time we knew what was going on. We flat let them continue building and building and Lord only knows how far along they have moved. In my view, this is totally indefensible. Presidents are bold enough from time to time to say "not on my watch." We are now well into the Obama watch and what is he doing about it? Don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We'd Better Start Listening For Facts, Folks

Here's another update on the battle over health care revamps: If you think that congressman from South Carolina, a Republican no less, caught holy you-know-what for calling out President Barack Hussein Obama on some of the President's "facts," then listen to a non-partisan observer. The chief budget officer -- Douglas Elmendorf -- says the President is wrong in his claim that seniors' Medicare benefits wouldn't be cut under the President's overhaul. Do I hear the echoes of Rep. Joe Wilson's comments rise again ("You lie!"), only with a little softer approach? Mr. Elmendorf says without a doubt seniors would face a cut by more than $100 billion over 10 years. And you liberals out there said Wilson was crazy.

Hasn't The Dalai Lama Suffered Enough?

In a never-ending attempt to bring disrespect on the City of Memphis, we haul off and make the WORLD think the city looks like baffoons. Yes, buffoons with a big B. Now can we have a fist bump to seal the deal? In greeting the Dalai Lama yesterday, City Mayor pro tem gave the religious leader a fist bump. I'm told the fist bump is a cultural thing, but do we have to confirm to the world that this was a major embarassment? Oh, well, what's done is done. Lowery even tried to surpass the fist-bump thing with this beauty: "They say you have a sense of humor. I've always wanted to say, 'Hello, Dalai.'" The Dalai Lama was in Memphis to accept an international Freedom Award from the National Civil Rights Museum. Well, I can't believe that the head of the goverment-in-exile of Tibet has a clue that Lowery is fighting to become the real mayor of Memphis. Hasn't the poor man suffered enough without this?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Quotable Quote from Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post: "The reason Americans have turned against health-care reform, after electing Barack Hussein Obama President, is simple: Despite protestations to the contrary, Americans don't like change. You would think that while we might disagree about what kind of change we want, Americans are in total agreement that the current situation is intolerable in all areas and that change -- big, immediate change -- is essential. Americans do agree about this -- in the abstract. But as soon as it seems that change might actually happen, as soon as we leave the abstract for the particular -- we panic. We suddenly develop nostagia for the comforts of the status quo. Sure, we want change -- as long as everything can stay just as it is." As far as I'm concerned, Kinsley, a well-known liberal, was suckered by the President-to-be. Obama's election was centered on "change," but he never said what change and now, at this point, he hasn't changed anything. For example, the saving of this country in the economy woes, was the chairman of the Federal Reserve, like it or not. I also happen to believe that the health-care debacle has nothing to do with change, it does have a lot to do with deceitful "change." It's not "panic" as Kinsley says, but a deeply-rooted distrust of liberals and bigger, much bigger, government.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Robotic President....Repeat That Five Times

I don't know about you, but I won a bet yesterday that our robotic President would repeat himself often in his five appearances on television. It had all the trappings of Barack Obama with strings attached to an unseen and unknown dude moving those strings. Again, I don't know about you but I've heard those points on health care, oh, five hundred times. What's the point? Was Obama, so enamored with his speaking abilities, trying for a world record for Presidents? Well, bet you he now has established a record that won't be broken. The only drama was he excluded Fox News, making it look like a payback for Fox News not carrying his address to Congress. If that's the case, it seems to me to Fox News won going away. Again, how many times have we heard the same thing? I'll guarantee you the President is losing his battle on the subject by brow-beating us over and over and over. Remind me when he goes on another one of these sojourns that literally put us to sleep. Mr. President, have mercy! Enough, already.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh, No...Say It Isn't So For Another 'Bailout'

There's another stupid bailout coming soon and, yes, the man fixated on the idea is none other than President Barack Obama. I kid you not. Newspapers need to be saved, Democrats say, and the President is just the man to do it. Obama seems keen to the idea of giving struggling newspapers tax breaks. He got things started with the auto industry, so naturally I knew it wouldn't stop there. Anyway, there's a Senate bill -- S.673 -- now in the hopper. It's called the "Newspaper Revitalization Act." Two noted Senate liberals Ben Cardin from Maryland and his colleague Barbara Mikulski are pushing it. They seem to have Obama's ear. Now think of it: Liberals control the Senate and House and this would amount to a more cozy relationship with the mainstream media, heavily liberal as well. Come to think of it, that's what we have now and have always had, right? Makes me sick to my stomach. I'm dead-set against it and newspapers don't deserve to be saved. Think they won't return the favors even more toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Is The President A Liar?

All we've heard on the delicate subject of the President possibly being a liar is how rude and crude Republican Congressman Joe Wilson was in creating a firestorm. Well, is he or is not? Where is the mainstream media trying to find out. We've had to wait and wait and wait. Once again I have to say the mainstream media is protecting the President. Well, I found an answer to it. The President brought Wilson to scream "You lie!" during a joint session of the Congress. Here's what created the whole mess: The President created this mysterywhen insurance coverage for illegal aliens. Wilson couldn't believe his ears and he had had enough. Well, let's set this one part of the controversy to rest because he said, flat out, that illegals would not be covered. That's when Wilson blew his stack. "You lie!" he said. Turns out, my friends, that all of the four committee billks passed in Congress allow illegals to take part in thye Health Insurance Exchange. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I say Wilson was right to say it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Poll Says Doctors Would Leave In Droves

There's a new poll out that should scare the begeebers out of you. The IBD/TIPP poll says 45 percent or more doctors would consider quitting if Congress passes health care overhaul. Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, in the Investor's Business Daily. This poll has clout with me because Michael Ramirez works there. Anyway, the poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also the doctors' own lobby -- the powerful American Medical Association -- both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul. According to Investor's Business, there are questions whether an overhaul is even possible. Seventy-two percent of the doctors polled disagree with the Obama administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower costs. The poll was taken over the last two weeks with 1,376 practicing physicians chosen randomly throughout the country taking part.

Mr. Bitter Is Losing His MInd

Jimmy Carter is one bitter man. Don't you think? Now he's indicted millions of Americans with being racist. What has made him this way? Who knows. Maybe it was the overwhelming rebuke by millions of Americans in losing to Ronald Reagan. Your guess is as good as mine. And now he has been rebuked by his President, Barack Obama. Obama, through his spokesman, says he does not agree with Carter's stupid observation that an "overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man." But there's more from Mr. Bitter: "I live in the South and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans......" Mr. Bitter wasn't kept it up: ".......And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply........" Are there racist in this country? Yes. But Mr. Bitter went way too far on this one. Let me close by saying to the media: When someone like Mr. Bitter goes off the reservation again, call him on it. You know it's wrong to spread this kind of garbage, don't you? I think Mr. Bitter and the Congressional Black Caucus want to spread this kind of poison just to stir the racial caldron.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Medicare And 'Death Panels'

The heated healthcare debate brought into play "death panels," with aged Americans would be sacrificed at the expense of younger dudes. It was explosive to say the least. Liberals say it was never a factor; conservatives say their harping on it was sinister and it went away. Well, along comes Medicare, a government program said to be in serious trouble for the near future, with a new change that you probably have not heard of. Well, you are now informed. Its a policy change in Medicare policy about access to lifesaving services. This could be said to be a different kind of "death panel" operations. If this becomes a reality on Jan. 1, 2010, the government's insurer for the elderly and disabled would whack current Medicare reimbursements to cardiologists and oncologists for critical care services. Now what I want to know is this: What in God's name is this but a "death panel" by any description? Now don't you feel better about Medicare if this becomes law and you are in one of the categories? A lot of doctors are screaming because it is true this would dramatically change the delivery of heart and cancer care. Decisions would be made based on cost. Good luck for you out there who would be exposed to this roulette wheel approach to some serious problems.

ACORN A Bunch Of Nuts

This liberal group of community activists has once again been exposed for getting voters any way possible, legal or not. Even Liberals are saying, "ACORN? Never heard of it." Some videos of wrongdoing are now making the rounds now and ACORN nuts are trying to defend the indefensible. But rest easy, my friends. The lead nut for ACORN is saying she is launching an independent review of videotapes that has exposed this slimy operation for what it is: A slimy group. Secret videotapes show a nut saying to actors posing as a pimp and prostitute on how to buy a home and turn it into a brothel. The primary goal of ACORN is to register new voters in the black community. It doesn't matter how they get the names; it's all about numbers. The more names a worker gets, the more money said worker gets. It's a process deeply rooted in deceit and dishonesty. Now these "nuts" have been exposed for what they are and liberals are running for the hills.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Black Caucus' Extremism Rears Its Ugly Head

Well, I was wrong. I thought, maybe for the first time, that the Democrats' Black Caucus would pass on its usual black outrage when anything Republican comes into play. Silly me. Here's the latest: The caucus wants to smash the conservative Rep. Joe Wilson R-South Carolina) who dared say "You lie!" to the President of the United States during his tough talk about the health care issue. Rep. James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip, a black man from South Carolina told the Washington Post, he believes the dastardly act smacks of racism. This sickening reaction of the charge on this issue, like 90 million other times in kneejerk fashion, is too much. What ever happened to that line, "Can't we just all get along?"? I don't know but I do know there is not a shread of evidence Wilson's words were anything but an emotional, honest disagreement with the President. You know it and I know it. This is an emotionally-charged issue and Obama has handled it poorly. Maybe the Black Causus senses that and are just protecting the nation's first black President. Now, I wish Wilson hadn't yelled at the President, but I also criticize groups like the Black Caucus for their typical overraction. I know I'm asking for a lot and it might be impossible, but I do know one thing: This defense of the President by using the racial defense is absurd. The automatic assumption that Wilson is a racist simply because he's white and from South Carolina is sickening. Until we conservatives deal with this kind of rank intimidation has to be challenged with fervor and aggressiveness. Wilson has apologized twice. That should be enough. As I said, this issue is as tough as it gets, and now, thank you very much, the caldron has been stirred by silly members of the Black Causus. Oh, one more thing: I defy any liberal to tell me the treatment from the right is anywhere near the treatment delivered President George Bush from the sickos on the left. Any takers on this bet?

The Tax Man Cometh....Trust Me

President Barack Obama can count on Rep. Barney Frank, one of the loudest mouths among the pure-bred liberals in Washington, not too far ahead of the President with his liberal feelings, by the way. Well, the Prez apparently is fond of Frank and hopes Frank can help him drive through the health overhaul. San it isn't so, Mr. President. In other moments, I wouldn't give Frank the time of day. What is scary is Frank says we've got to have tax increases on you and me and he wants to whack the numbers of military people we have. Obama sure knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yes, He Said It Right

I'm been asked maybe 10,000 times, what is your position on Obama's health care plans? Well, I'm not a doctor, insurance or politician, but I can tell you that it makes no sense to let government have its greedy hands on anything. My main sticky point is this: The money that Obama wants to make available is mind-blogging, insane. Tweak the current programs, but for God's sake, don't spend any more money in the magnitude he's talking about, a trillion, trillion and a half or even three or four, five or six trillion. What's a couple of trillion dollars to a liberal? Well, one doctor has said it pretty well in USA Today: he starts out with this declaration -- My medical oath requires no government oversight. Put simply, he says, "We (doctors) already have our moral directive. And, at the risk of contridicting our President, we have one incentive, too: the patient. I am guided by egalitarian principles. I was taught in medical school and residency to treat all patients the same, regardless of income level, VIP status, their gender or the color of their skin. My obese patients receive the same level of as my thin patients, my old patients the same as my young patients. I distinguish only in terms of conditions or medical risk, not in terms of demography entitlements. I was trained to never give up hope in curing a patient until hope it truly gone. It requires no government entitlements. My principles run contrary to the idea of meeting with a 65-year-old to discuss specific ways I may withdraw care. Perhaps it's not a death panel, but a measure in one House bill pushes in care in ways that cause me discomfort...." He continues: "I don't receive moral guidance on how to practice medicine from presidential decree." In closing, the doctor said: "It might be good politics to vilify the insurance industry, or drug makers or even doctors. But my-way-or-the-highway didn't work so well with the last President. And based on the reaction across America today, it isn't working in this health care debate either." Hooray. I want to hug this doctor and I hope the White House is listening, but I doubt it. Liberals don't listen too well. The doctor putting everything straight is Dr. Marc Siegel, an internist and associate professor of medicine at NYU and a member of USA Today's Board of Contributors.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Winners, Losers

LOSERS: Finally, the U.S. Census Bureau has done what it should have done a long time ago: Sever its ties to a wild-eyed group of radicals known as ACORN. Here's what the head of the U.S. Census Bureau said: "It is clear that ACORN's affiliation with the 2010 census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 census efforts." ACORN's operations are overwhelming focused in black communities and there have been tons of complaints that volunteers are judged (money, dudes) by signing up anything breathing. ACORN offered no comment on the Census Bureau's action. I guess they are still out there taking information that will aid its cause. This is high time in coming and I commend the Census Bureau for doing what's right. It's particularly good news because ACORN (Association of Community Organizations) once had the support of the Census Bureau. ......LOSER: Van Jones got the boot from the Obama Administration for a combined number of egregious comments. It got scant news coverage and I'll bet you had no clue it happened, did you? Jones headed up one of the "Green" operations. The White House offered no comment when Jones finally used up his effectiveness, but once upon a time top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett said: "We watched him for a long time and we recruited him for the White House.".........LOSERS: The American public. If you bought into what Obama said during his speech the other night, aswer me one thing: Did he say anything, ANYTHING, new?.........LOSERS: CNN. It jumped the gun on a practice like it does every day and CNN thought it was the real thing. Panic set in until the truth got out. I was always taught get it first, but get it right. ..........WINNERS: The Memphis Redbirds moving on in the playoffs. But there's a LOSER here, too. The Morning Publication used a picture that showed, oh, maybe five people and a whole lot of empty seats.

This Is Insane; Stop It NOW!

I was moving through the morass of news today when I came upon something that made by blood boil -- a memberof the British military died while trying to rescue a member of the New York Times. It happened during a pre-dawn raid in Afghanistan. I think this is insane for the British or U.S. military to rescue journalists who have been captured during operations. . The military has enough on its hands and it only adds to the danger when trying to rescue media-types. I'm against it and journalists in danger zones should provide for their own safety. Period.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Talk About Sick

I don't know Eugene Robinson, a political columnist for the Washington Post. But I think I have a pretty good handle on what drives him. If his current column about a Republican yelling from the audience "you lie" to the President on health care, well, it's no surprise that he would bring up racism. Robinson goes to great length to castigate Rep. Joe Wilson, a Republican by the way, on Obama's plan that would not cover illegals. Fine. Wilson is a big boy and he can take care of himself. Besides, this issue of health care evokes a lot of emotion. My beef with Robinson, though, is what he said near the end of his column. Here's what he said (and this is verbatim): "......You will note that I have not yet mentioned race. (I'm already heading for the john to throw up). "....for the record, I suspect that Obama's race leads some of his critics to feel they have permission to deny him the legitimacy, stature and common courtesy that are any president's due. I can't prove this, however. And if I'm right, what's anybody supposed to do about it? There's no way to compel people to search their souls for traces of conscious or unconscious racial bias. We could have an interesting discussion about the historical image of the black man in American society, but that wouldn't get us any closer to universal health care......" Now what do you make of that? I think it's sick and so typical that anytime (or almost any time) that Barack draws legitimate disagreement, his defenders trumpet it's a racist rant. Robinson should consider what he has said. But I sincerely doubt that he has the capacity to do so, quite frankly. It's just to easy to yell "racist" and walk away. Such professional recklessness is sick.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What's New, Mr. President?

Much ado about nothing. That's what I got out of President Obama's speech to the Congress last night. In a more succinct way, it was political hogwash. The real key, to me, was there was nothing new. Remember one thing: He said "there are details to be worked out......" Hold on to your wallets, Mr. and Ms. America.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Clearly, "Progressive" Means A Place To Hide

I've had difficulty understanding Liberals for a long, long time. Liberals don't seem to be proud of that word because it's almost across the board that Liberals are now "Progressives." Sounds like a name change designed to provide political cover, don't you think? Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, a pure-bred Liberal if there ever was one, allows himself to sink into that hidden darkness of referring to Liberals over and over as Progressives. Maybe he's not aware of what he's saying, huh? I, for one, will spend no more time on this trite bit of camouflage. I'm a conservative. Period. No hiding here for me. But Liberals are Progressives, a name change that spells coward. You make of this what you want, you Liberals.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Thing Is For Sure With This President ......

I've heard many things about President Obama since he took office. He's understanding; he's patient; On and on......But one thing is, I believe, for sure -- he's got no guts. The latest observation is his speech to school children around the country. There was one passage that asked students to help the President. Many of my conservative friends -- correctly so -- objected to that passage as "pure politics." Of course it was. Well, the apologist-In-Chief quickly sliced that paragraph out of the speech. It was a cowardly thing to do, but this President has made it clear before -- and he's doing it again -- that he is afraid of confrontation. Don't you think? He's also thrown out a key element of his health care fiasco. He's consorting with the enemy, positioning this country as chief apologist with the Muslim world. Oh, I've had enough.

It's About Time On Purging The Voting Rolls

Let's make this simple: I'm outraged at the criticism leveled at the Republican-controlled voter rolls in Shelby County. It's absurd; it's shallow. This is something that has been needed for quite some time and it took the Republicans to do it. Now many blacks -- naturally -- are yelling racism. Just shut up, will you? According to my information, about 60,000 have been purged, many, MANY of them Republicans. More cuts are coming and I don't think any amount of pressure from the black community will matter. Remember how this happened? Democrats have controlled the election commissions around the state for a long, long time. Here's how it works: the party winning control of the House and Senate in the legislature also gain control of the election commissions. It's a powerful thing. Republicans won control of both houses in the last election. It was guaranteed to bring calls of racism, but Joseph Kyles, a community activist, couldn't resist the charges of racism. I asked him recently if he could name me one instance of fraud. I'm still waiting for an answer.