Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting In Touch......

You can get me by clicking on to Look forward to it, whether pro or con.

Hitting A Hypocrite Where It Hurts

I'll make this short about my response to the attacks directed at Fox News by liberal critics. First of all, it's absurd. Secondly, it's hypocritical. Did you hear me: IT'S HYPOCRITICAL! One of President Obama's attack dogs went on and on recently with a CNN anchor about the bias that is displayed every day by Fox News, according to her. She was asked: "Is MSNBC biased?" The Obama attack dog was stumped, naturally. I will tell you point-blank -- MSNBC is twice as biased and maybe more. Let's give a round of applause to the White House for our "Hypocrite of the Moment award.

Count 'Em.......One By One Before Game Ended

If anybody comes up to you (Harold Byrd, are you listening?) and suggests the City of Memphis needs --no, demands -- a new football stadium, take them to the nearest nut house. It was a long shot to talk about getting into a BCS conference anyway, wasn't it? To any one who is prudent, yes. Last night was the capper before a national television audience, the Tigers drew a whopping 4,117 and Tiger fans were rewarded with a 38-19 loss to East Carolina. Look, I figure if you started at one end of the stadium and talked to every fan there you would finish before the end of the game. Maybe you'd make it before halftime. Some fans probably tried to cause a blowout of the lighting system, obviously to avoid anyone seeing this debacle. Anyone for funding a new football stadium?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Now This One Takes The Cake

Anying involving black in the voting process in these times is guaranteed to create a real dust-up. Take, for example, one of the silliest things I've heard recently in a little hamlet in North Carolina. The Washington Times reports that President Obama's Justice Department has offended black voters in Kinston, N.C. by deciding they aren't able to handle choosing their own elected officials unless the candidates are listed on the ballots by party label. The Justice goons overruled Kinston's black voters who helped vote by a big margin to go along with the flow of other North Carolina towns holding non-partisan local elections. I kid you not. This has to be one of the most hair-brained things to come along in recent times. The Justice thugs are saying to blacks: Excuse the interruption but we don't think you are capable of making the right decision unless Democrats are labeled on the ballot. By a 2-to-one margin, black Kinston voters recently voted to eliminate party affiliations from local candidates' on election ballots. At Justice, the word came down we're going to overrule this vote because nonpartisan elections violate black voting rights.

Carter Vs. Obama

Things just can't get any worse for Barack Hussein Obama. Now there's a survey out there that pits Jimmy Carter, already fully established as the worst U.S. President in modern times against the sitting president. But was Carter worse than Obama? It's too early to tell but I firmly believe he's going to give Carter a run for his peanuts.

Be Afraid, Very Afraid......

Rep. Barney Frank says Democrats are doing every thing they can to make Americans more beholding on government. See, I told you that uber-liberals are the most dangerous things on Earth.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MSNBC Vs. Fox News

I want to make this short and to the point and I dare you to build a case against it: MSNBC, with its two-person "hit" squad, is far more partisan than anyone at Fox News. Now, I'm sure you know President Obama has sent word to his minions that he will not talk to anyone from Fox News; his own version of an "enemies list." All right, are you ready to do battle? Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow put to shame anybody at Fox. Both were invited and participated with a gaggle of uber-liberals in an off-the-record meeting with the president just the other day. Wonder if Fox News came up?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

He Does L-I-E!

Remember when Joe Wilson shouted "He Lies!" to the President of the United States and the worlds castigated the guy? Well, the truth is now out there -- Barack Obama DOES lie. Cut it any way you want, this fellow can no longer hide behind the truth. U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, bless his heart, now exposes what is a truth: Democrats, especially the liberal kind, can't help themselves. Corker brought to life one of those memorable lines from the orator's brilliant slants: "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future.....period." Obama said that. Can we now spell L-I-E without the Dems L-I-E-ing through their teeth? The Washington Post has now come up with the proof, and I quote: ".....Senate Democrats wanted to protect doctors from scheduled cuts in Medicare payments over the next 10 years, but there was a problem: Doing it would add a quarter of a trillion (gulp, that's my contribution to this L-I-E) to the federal deficit, making mincemeat of Obama's promise (uh, L-I-E). So Democrats hatched a novel scheme: They would pass the legislation separately, so the $250 billion cost wouldn't be part of the main reform "plan." thereby allowing the president to claim THAT that bill wouldn't increase the deficit......." Now let's take off our hat off to Joe Wilson, the Republican congressman who had the guts to say "He lies!" He does. the proof is now in front of you. And shame on our Teleprompter-In-Chief.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

White House Full of 2-Year-Olds

There's a battle going on betweet the White House and Fox News. The W.H. is screaming Fox News isn't news at all, it's a political organ designed to rip President Obama and save anything Republican. Hogwash. Has the W.H. checked as to the number of liberals and Democrats are supported by the mainstream media? It's childish, to say the least. Me thinks this all comes from the "news" that Glenn Beck is killing MSNBC and CNN in their time slots. This is even worse for the W.H.: Americans, Democrat and independents, are watching Fox News "just about every day." That's to the tune of 46 percent, according to a national survey. If I were at the W.H., I'd be worried, too. Oh, let me add to something else here: One of the iW.H. insiders, Communication Director Anita Dunn, had this shocker: "Very rarely do we communicate through the press anything that we don't absolutely control....."

Harold Ford Loves The Movies?

Harold Ford, Jr., according to Politico, apparently is interested in succeeding Dan Glickman as head of the Motion Picture Association of America. Well, no kidding! Democrats love the power of Hollywood, especially the power that keeps on giving in political circles -- money -- and lots of it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is There A Nobel Prize For Hatred?

I would love to sit down and talk to members of the Nobel committee as to the process of sticking its collective noses into the American political realm. For example: "Have you given any thought as to the transparency of your Peace Prize selections of late, especially that they have been aimed at one political party-- and one man in it, George Bush -- in the United States of America?" This would probably make the members jump out of their chairs once the question was translated. These uber-liberals' transparency (one of Obama's pet words) is just that, transparent. One other transparent thought from me to them: "You seem to have nothing but evil thoughts on a one former U.S. president -- George Bush. Is it fair to be so transparent on what is a global award?"...... Look, this has turned into how can the committee keep laying it on to that 'dastardly' man (George Bush) year after year? I think the committee has a hate-filled thing about Republicans in general. Only one man (Henry Kissinger, and he's no conservative, more a moderate, maybe even a liberal) has won the Peace prize in modern times. Three of the last six are big liberals. Your committee has even publicly admitted your intentions toward President Bush. Oh, well, it's your award and you're entitled to be as transparent as you want to be. But your hatred for George Bush is transparent and, eventually, it will bring many to scorn your vindictiveness, uh, hatred. And here's a final note: I predict you have made this award meaningless So, congratulations, I leave you by announcing you have won my Hatred Prize. And one other thing: I wish I had the chance to vote for George Bush again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This President Takes Narcissism To A New Level

I don't bet so I had to figure what else I could do about this morning's jolt of President Barrack Hussein Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. I told my friend that Obama, in all honesty, doesn't deserve the honor. I told him the president should not accept it. My buddy, a liberal, said "You conservatives are all the same; this is just another attack on the president.' No, I said, I'm serious but it will never happen. In a field of overt self-worth , politicians, in particular, and this president at the top of the list, would never turn it down. I reminded my friend that the Nobel selection process closed out for 2009 12 days after Obama took office. Now, I can't for the life of me see why Obama shouldn't return the prize based on this fact alone. I closed my argument with a whack of reality, directed at the recipient of a prize he doesn't deserve. He's the most narcissistic man on Earth, isn't he? I sure think so. My friend disagreed and I fired back to help him know where I was coming from: Here's the definition of narcissism, I said: "A beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection ...." Or put another way, my way in describing the recipient of the prize: "Return the prize?????? must be crazy. I deserve it. I am grateful to my friends (liberals) on the Nobel selection committee for making this day possible. I know I am worthy of this and they knew it and YOU know it...." In closing, I have some additional information that White House staff today was seen hanging up new, giant mirrors, particularly in the Oval Office. Makes it easier for a narcissis to feel at home.

Nobel Peace Prize....Huh??????????

I suppose I am to be surprised, shocked, whatever, at the news President Barack Hussein Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Well, no, none of the above when considering a couple of facts -- facts -- my friends. First, the Nobel committee consists of raging liberals. They hate -- yes, I mean hate -- anything conservative. Obama, like Jimmy Carter before him, is the recipient of a gift. Obama has done nothing to deserve this, has he? He could be a late winner, but this is based on nothing as far as achievements. Listen up: As before, the committee gives the award to an individual as a way to vent their hatred worldwide. Oh, I know you liberal lugnuts are screaming at me. Well, fine. Listen to what the committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to liberal President Jimmy Carter for Carter's work in the Middle East. Here it is, and I quote: "This should be seen as a kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war. It makes me angry that the committee uses these awards in a political way; they were never designed to do that. But, whatever, I will say this, ironically speaking. Obama will hold another meeting this afternoon with his "war" council. I guess the committee is not aware of that. Is Obama going to send 40,000 additional troops to Afganistan? It's a good bet, that is unless this Peace Prize pushes Obama to do something crazy like bringing the troops home tomorrow. Maybe that's what the committee wants. Whatever, it puts Obama in a box, doesn't it? The bottom line in this morning's Peace announcement is that Obama has done nothing to deserve this. You think I'm wrong? I've already gotten some comments that his Neville Chamberlain-like appeasement is wrong for this country. Period. Obama gave in to the Russians about the missile shield in Europe. I think Obama has sold his soul on this one. Do you honestly think these countries are going to do away, or reduce, their nuclear stockpiles? Dream on.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scumbag Of The Day

We're starting a new category on my blog site today: The "Scumbag Of The Day" in Memphis. This one is easy. Actually, these picks won't be difficult at all. Can we have a drum roll to kick off this wonderful recognition. OK, enough of the introduction: Today's "winner" is longtime scumbag Joe Cooper. He's been in federal prison on convictions of money-laundering for drug dealers. How nice to have that on your resume, right? Cooper also helped a federal undercover operation by helping nail former Memphis City Council members Rickey Peete and Edmund Ford, Sr. Ford was acquitted last year after telling jurors the money he accepted from Cooper was a loan, not a bribe. Cooper, a notorious "influence peddler," has spent six months in prison. Having had a lot of time to think things over, Cooper told the Morning Publication that he's got some new ideas for jobs when he gets out. One would help prepare felons what to expect in prison. Judge Daniel Breen said "whoa!" and this is beautiful: The judge said Cooper has been around enough felons for awhile. Now tell me Cooper isn't the perfect kickoff for "Scumbag of the Day."

Friday, October 2, 2009

President Obama, First Lady Strike Out

Chicago had the President of the United States and his wife, Michelle Obama, going for it in trying to land the 2016 Summer Olympics, but it apparently it didn't mean much because the Windy City was eliminated in the first round of voting. President Obama put his prestige on the line and many thought that would be enough to put Chicago over the top. The reason why the Obamas didn't have enough star power to make it for the City they live in was not, but the city's crime problems may have played a big role. Many wondered why the Obamas would put their prestige on the line in the first place, what with the President's big problems with his agenda setbacks. But make no mistake about it, this is a big, big loss and sooner or later we'll hear excuses it was because the President is black and the IOC is racist.

Winners, Losers

LOSER: President Barack Hussein Obama. I know, I know. That's a little tough, isn't it? After all, show a little respect for "our" President. Well, I say, remember that line "if the shoe fits....." This shoe fits most comfortably. It's about new, daunting tax increases over the next decade and the President is to blame for going back on his promise to not tax, not add one dime, during his first (hopefully last) term. I said this several months ago because there's no other way to get where he wants to go. Now the Heritage Foundation says new taxes could surpass $1.5 trillion, compliments of the President. The Heritage report says the new taxes will hit taxpayers "at all levels."...... WINNER: President Barack Hussein Obama. Huh? Yes. I've given out Loser and Winner awards combined before. This is one of those times. The President gets both for not revealing how many atomic weapons Israel has. It's a decades long fact that no American President has revealed this information. It frees Israel from revealing this for security reasons and it also means Israel doesn't have to comply with the International rules.......LOSER: Former President Jimmy Carter. Now he's saying he didn't say anything about critical talk about Obama being racist. I pity this man, don't you? Carter has lost it. LOSERS: All these Czar's appointed by President Obama are nothing short of left-wing lugnuts. These "Czars" are pathetic, dangerous dudes, all appointed by the President, or at least with his approval. They don't have to be vetted by the Senate.One of them, diversity Czar Mark Lloyd at the Federal Communications Commission wants white media executives to "step down" in favor of black minorities Van Jones was one of these Czars who was pushed out because of his socialist ideas. Another one, John Holdren, says the Constitution backs "compulsory" abortions. He's the science Czar....... WINNERS: The feds, happily, have come to their senses and lifted the ban on "Jesus" on the capitol Christmas tree. ....... I'm dead-set against mandatory flu shots in Shelby County. There are still too many questions.