Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize....Huh??????????

I suppose I am to be surprised, shocked, whatever, at the news President Barack Hussein Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Well, no, none of the above when considering a couple of facts -- facts -- my friends. First, the Nobel committee consists of raging liberals. They hate -- yes, I mean hate -- anything conservative. Obama, like Jimmy Carter before him, is the recipient of a gift. Obama has done nothing to deserve this, has he? He could be a late winner, but this is based on nothing as far as achievements. Listen up: As before, the committee gives the award to an individual as a way to vent their hatred worldwide. Oh, I know you liberal lugnuts are screaming at me. Well, fine. Listen to what the committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to liberal President Jimmy Carter for Carter's work in the Middle East. Here it is, and I quote: "This should be seen as a kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war. It makes me angry that the committee uses these awards in a political way; they were never designed to do that. But, whatever, I will say this, ironically speaking. Obama will hold another meeting this afternoon with his "war" council. I guess the committee is not aware of that. Is Obama going to send 40,000 additional troops to Afganistan? It's a good bet, that is unless this Peace Prize pushes Obama to do something crazy like bringing the troops home tomorrow. Maybe that's what the committee wants. Whatever, it puts Obama in a box, doesn't it? The bottom line in this morning's Peace announcement is that Obama has done nothing to deserve this. You think I'm wrong? I've already gotten some comments that his Neville Chamberlain-like appeasement is wrong for this country. Period. Obama gave in to the Russians about the missile shield in Europe. I think Obama has sold his soul on this one. Do you honestly think these countries are going to do away, or reduce, their nuclear stockpiles? Dream on.

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