Monday, June 29, 2009

My Turn..........

Michael Jackson is gone, but the freakish nature of this entertainment machine will be with us for some time. It's interesting -- sad, really -- to watch his father and the usual hangers-on who come out at night to play leading roles. The usual bunch, I might add. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton.
It's really quite absurd. Sick may be a better descriptive evaluation.
I know Jackson was a money-making machine from the time he was 5, but it's quite hard to feel anything for the fellow with his personal background. Parents being bought off and millions, even billions, looking past his sick behavior behind closed doors. Money will buy you a lot of things and it clearly needed with Jackson on the loose, isn't it?

Have you noticed this campaign on the part of many Memphians who are painting a picture of the city that simply is amazing to me. I think it's a matter of trying to convince people that what you see and hear about crime and lousy public education is a figment of one's mind. Don't believe it. Many of these individual are the ones who have fought so hard against having a permit to carry a weapon. You know it and I know it. Don't buy into it, at least if you want to be as safe as possible.

Oh, the "King" Willie saga! Will this fellow ever go away? Probably not. But I still say he will defeat Congressman Steve Cohen in the 9th District. Cohen has never faced anyone like Herenton. Race will dominate whether you like it or not. Herenton won't hesitate to get as dirty as necessary to win.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Winners, Losers

LOSER: The power that Chris Peck has as editor of ther Morning Publication can sometimes blow up in his face. I challenged Peck to list in any shooting death in Memphis to say if the shooter has a permit to carry or not. He has steadfastly refused to do it, but he had no problem with listing shooting deaths if they had permits to carry. Fair? Of course not.

LOSER: Chris Peck. No, I'm not picking on the dude, but he's part of the strangest thing I've ever seen involving the Morning Publication. Peck and other top leaders at the newspaper threw a special supplemental section in a recent publication that went to great lengths to say the newspaper is going to publish tomorrow, the next day and so on and so forth. Obviously it was designed to show the newspaper's goal was to thwart that its death -- like many other publications aroung the country -- is close. Hummmmm, makes me think it must be bad at 495 Union and worse than we thought, otherwise why goes to such lengths to say everything is good.

WINNER: Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder and CEO, recently had a liver transplant at a hospital in Tennessee. No hospital was revealed, but its nice to see anything in our state be singled out for doing good work. A little birdie tells me the operation was performed in Memphis, most likely Methodist University Hospital. Jobs and Fed/Ex's Fred Smith mean more to their respective companies than anybody I know.

LOSER: The weather. It's hot and I hate it.

LOSERS: Memphis Mayor "King" Herenton and Stevie Cohen, a congressman representing the 9th District in Memphis. Why both men? Because I said so. I was asked the other day how I would rate them and if race would be used in the election if Herenton follows through in running for the position. Are you kidding? Herenton has already mentioned race and it will only intensify.

LOSER: The Morning Publication for its stupid editorial comment that said the gun legislation passed by the General Assembly only appealed to special interest groups. I beg to differ with the staunchly anti-gun pulbication. There are over 300,000 permits b eing carried around by Tennesseans. It's quite sickening to see the publication act to foolish.

LOSER: Former House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh has won the title of Speaker Emeritus. Silly, really silly. Nobody deserves that title unless it's voted on by the people. But, who should be surprised when Naifeh or his henchmen have insisted in the past that buildings, cars, horses, pigs be named for Naifeh. I've only been kidding -- just a tad -- that everything except the grass in yards have escaped this childish baloney. Oh, I wonder why a Tennessee Highway Patrol vehicle was seen several times at one of Naifeh's old haunts, a small grocery just down from the big Naifeh grocery. What could that be? Is he still getting favored treatment? If so, he doesn't deserve that, either. Used to be Naifeh had a Highway Patroman to drive him to and from Nashville. I always argued that it would be better if that trooper was out patrolling.

LOSERS: I'm willing to bet that the Morning Publication has two columnists (Otis Sanford and Wendi Thomas) that refer to race more than anybody else.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Babysitting The Digital Change-Over

The digital divide has been advertised by every television station, newspaper, in Earth. Many times. I've never seen such a concerted effort to inform people that this is happening.
The implementation was postponed once because millions of Americans didn't get the message. I'm serious. This onslaught didn't reach them for some reason. Well, my point is it should not have been postponed.
We have seen with our own eyes that goverment babysitting is still alive and well; there is no accountability or responsibility whatsoever.
It's sad and leaves me outraged because of it.

Newspaper Doubletalk

Morning Publication columnists are going crazy over their view that newly installed gun laws show that an overwhelming number of people are against them.
I don't believe that for a second. Neither should you.
I can't remember when there has been such an attempt by the newspaper to be so one-sided. It's the most unfair reporting I've ever seen and the culprit in this deal is none other than the misguided and incompetent editor of the paper, Chris Peck.
I would like Peck to address, once again, several areas that would give some kind of balance to the stories: How many people working at the paper have permits to carry? Have you, Mr. Peck, ever stepped into a shooting range to see what that side of the story is all about; you would, I am certain, be softening your position. You say the paper, and you in particular, are pro gun. I'm calling you out: You're not telling the truth. Tell me when you've supported one -- just one -- piece of gun legislation that is offered to the public. Can you? Will you? I'll apologize if it's true.
You have gone to great lengths to say when a person who has a permit to carry is engaged in a shooting situation. Please be fair: Tell us also when any person involved in a shooting has a permit to carry, or not. The results will be overwhelming and you know it.
Oh, here's a tidbit Mr. Peck that you should be aware of with the right now for those with gun merits to carry them into a restaurant/bar, iif the bar owners approved.
There are bars in Memphis, according to my good friend Jim Williams, a former member of the MPD, that have several partners, all part owners of the bar, and all of them lawfully can carry firearms any time they wish at their restaurant or bat;
The manager on duty, who runs the bar in the owners'-owners' absence, especially on nights and and on weekends, when crowds are likely to be the heaviest. He is the person "in control" then;
The bouncer or security persons on duty, often selected for the number of pounds they weigh, since their common duty is to calm or eject disorderly customers also are legally empowered in bars and have done so when ever it is their policy to do so.
Your idea of "fair" is to engage the power, which is failing by the minute, and showing that you don't have the guts to stand up for what you believe. Worse, you are a coward.

Un-Health Disaster

Understand one thing about President Obama's zeal at instituting national healthcare: It will bankrupt this country. Book it. It will not work. Can't work. Forget it, is my prescription.
Here is why: The Obama administration and most liberal Democrats believe it will save us from ourselves.
As I said, hogwash.
Obama says there is nothing to fear, because if you choose to keep your old healthcare -- the current form -- then what's not to like because you're merely given an option.
Consider this, something they won't admit: The government part of the package will cost far less. Sounds good, but don't be fooled by it. This is what I predict will happen. People on in today's programs will run -- not walk -- to join the government program. Result? National healthcare that simply will not work.
I haven't gone into all of the details for good reason. It's complicated enough, but when you offer something for less, the stampede is on.
Our healthcare system has many problems, but it's still the best in the world. Add to that examples of national healthcare in Canada and Britain are proof enough that you back the liberals in this deal and you get the biggest headache this country has ever experienced.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It Wasn't A Slip Of The Tongue

President Obama's choice for a new Supreme Court figures to be more combative than first thought.
And, let me say firmly that it should be.
With Associate Justice David Souter retiring, the President has moved quickly to name his choice. So far, the media has treated it with typical gushing references to the court's first Latino.
One of the comments she has made that has caused some constarnation is this, and I paraphrase: "....A Litino woman would have a better chance of judging than men in certain areas because of life experiences...."
Well, it turns out that Obama's choice has said it numerous times, not just once.
Once could be a slip, but numerous references to her point is something else.

D-Day Is A Day To Remember

Let me take a brief moment to salute all the men and women who served this country so bravely in World War II. It is not a stretch to say they saved the world and we are losing these veterans at an alarming pace. We will never be able to repay them but on this day we give thanks they were there.

Help Me, Rep Jimmy Naifeh

I love the sound of that, Rep. Jimmy Naifeh. Now that Naifeh is no longer an obstructionist on any kind of gun legislation as the former Speaker of the House, I hereby challenge him to tell me if he has ever -- EVER -- taken a positive role with any liece of gun legislation.
I've asked prominent members of the House if he has and they can't say that he has not -- ever.
So much for Naifeh's saying one thing and doing another.
Now for the FORMER Speaker of the House.
Word has arrived at the Fleming blog that he has rejoinced at my being downsized at WREC600. I'm told he laughed out loud and that's typical. Naifeh has always had the propensity of acting that way.
It doesn't bother me and I won't stoop to his level to engage in a childish reaction.
Let me simply rejoice once again: He's the former Speaker of the House. Now if we can make that happen in sending him packing altogether.

You Go, Girl!

State Sen. Mae Beavers is my kind of politician. She tells it like it is and, more importantly, she's right when she tells it like it is.
The senator is pushing Senate Bill 1610, which is known as the "Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act."
Sen. Beavers says in the bill "be it the federal government mandating changes in order for states to receive federal funds or the federal government telling us how to regulate commerce contained completely within this state -- enough is enough. Our founders fought too hard to ensure states' sovereignty and I am sick and tired of activist federal officials and judges sticking their noses where they don't belong."
You go, girl!
The Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act says that if a firearm and/or ammunition, and stamped "made in Tennessee", then the federal government has no jurisdiction over that item in any fashion so long as it remains in state and outside of interstate commerce. All state regulations applying to the possession of firearms in Tennessee would still be applicable and must be complied with. This legislation is being proposed to orevent a federal attempt to legislate beyond the Constitutional limits of Congress.
The 10th Amendment defines the total scope of federal government as being that which has been delegated by the people to the federal government, and also that which is absolutely necessary to advancing those powers specificallyenumerated in the VConstitution of the United States.
This bill is similar to one signed into law in Montana and is currently pending passage in at least 30 other states.
Let me just add this thought: Thank goodness for the likes of State Sen. Mae Beavers.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What's New?

President Obama's speech in Cairo was, well, nothing compared to the build-up.
It is the Obama Way. Dazzle people with his ability to look right and then left through the TelePrompter....and then wait for the outpouring of Hosannah's from the Wow-Is-He-The-Greatest! media here and abroad.
My observation? What's new? Be honest. Is there anything in the speech -- and, yes, I listened to it -- that can be considered new? Is there? The answer: No. Now that's the honest truth and the Obama Troopers will never admit it. Never.
Let me hear from you on this.
Oh, another thought: Presidents forever have dealt with the Middle East problems. You know it and I know it. The only difference is this President has a middle name -- Hussein -- that might, just might, mean Arabs and terrorists didn't go to sleep listening to it.
I almost forgot: Obama can thank his lucky stars for that Tele-Prompter and his masterful speechwriter. The President is merely the man reading.

When Votes Overcome Core Beliefs

(Note: My blog site and my e-mail address is

I continue to follow the march of federal appeals judge Sonia Sotomajor to replace one liberal for another in the U.S. Supreme Court. Actually, I will tell you that this judge, if confirmed, will be the biggest liberal to ever serve on the high court. Remember, this is a lifetime deal.
Many conservatives have put on the heat, incliding former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who called the jurist a racist as a result of one her many flaps when she said a wise Latina woman would make a better decision in a discrimination case than a white man would.
I don't agree with that at all, do you?
The thing that bothered me the most when I heard her comments is my point that the law is the law and she should abide that fact. Period.
Well, now the apologies are flowing. Gingrich has backed away.
I'm here to tell you that it's shameful to see this happen.
Core beliefs of these who are now walking down the middle of a highway is absurd; they are caving because of -- you guessed it -- her sex and background and therefore we conservatives have to look at the impact it will have on Hispanics and how they will vote in future elections.
I will now tell you that Sonia Sotomajor will be confirmed overwhelmingly by the Judiciary Committee and then the Senate. She will carry with her biases in the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court and make us forget her most liberal ways.
There, I said it....and I will not apologize or back down

Naifeh, Peck, Are Genuine Frauds

The State House in Nashville did the right thing in overriding Gov. Phil Bredesen's veto of a bill allowing handgun-carry licensees to carry guns into restaurants.
With crime rampant all over the country, particularly in Memphis, the screamers and those who purport to say to people who disagree with their surrender-to-the-bad-guys that this isn't the 18-hundreds "we know best."
We know best, they wail. Well, I've got news to you: I think this bill, which the Senate will also override today, will save lives and decrease crime overall. At least it gives the citizens of this area, who are sick and tired of being told that protecting one's self is foolish.
These people, who don't like to listen to anyone outside their ring, trot out their best ammunition: law enforcement officials are against it.
Well, Rep Curry Todd says it best: "I can tell you now that there is a large majority of law enforcement officers in the rank and file, chiefs and sheriffs, who support this bill. When you (opponents) say 'all.' that's a misrepresentation of those who came to get on the bandwagon and on TV up here.
"This bill protects the citizens of this state who have handgun-permits. Memphis is number two in the nation in violent crime, Nashville's number nine and Tennessee's number six.
So I think the point is taken with our illustrous folks in Shelby County, and I hope everyone gets on the Comical Appeal tomorrow." Todd was referring to the Commercial Appeal's withering anti-gun stance in this debate.
The editor of the Morning Publication keeps saying he's not anti-gun, but I think any reasonable person knows Chris Peck is a fraud. Tell me one bill that deals with guns he supports? Go ahead. I'm waiting.
As for the late, awful House Speaker, Jimmy Naifeh, saying he's got a permit and something like 10,000 guns in his house, I say: Why did you have for years the protection of a Tennessee State trooper who was, by the way, carrying a handgun?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Blog, E-Mail Opportunities

Just to let you know, there was a slight mixup on informing you about my new blog and getting in touch with me through e-mails. Here are the correct opportunities:
