Thursday, June 4, 2009

What's New?

President Obama's speech in Cairo was, well, nothing compared to the build-up.
It is the Obama Way. Dazzle people with his ability to look right and then left through the TelePrompter....and then wait for the outpouring of Hosannah's from the Wow-Is-He-The-Greatest! media here and abroad.
My observation? What's new? Be honest. Is there anything in the speech -- and, yes, I listened to it -- that can be considered new? Is there? The answer: No. Now that's the honest truth and the Obama Troopers will never admit it. Never.
Let me hear from you on this.
Oh, another thought: Presidents forever have dealt with the Middle East problems. You know it and I know it. The only difference is this President has a middle name -- Hussein -- that might, just might, mean Arabs and terrorists didn't go to sleep listening to it.
I almost forgot: Obama can thank his lucky stars for that Tele-Prompter and his masterful speechwriter. The President is merely the man reading.

1 comment:

  1. It was all talk and no substance. He sounded like a college professor, naive and idealistic. Unfortunately, he is president of the United States and that makes him dangerous, especially with his views on Iran. They can have nuclear power if they want it? And his thoughts on women's rights consisted mainly on women having the right to wearing a hajib in this country? Get real. He did not even begin to address the problem of equal right for women, guess he didn' want to offend his Arab friends.
