Friday, November 27, 2009

Wonder How Gore Will Spin This?

I've always been lukewarm about the melting icecaps gobbling up New York City and Florida, or fill in the blank. Now there is a major development that at the very least will embarrass the major iceberg huckster of all time -- Albert Gore, Jr. I could not wait to send this your way and to tell you what I've have said all along -- follow the money. Gore, a fraud AND huckster, has become rich with his meandering that the seas and icebergs in it or doomed. Naturally, we are doomed with it, according to Gore and his minions. Now the rush is on to laugh at some purloined e-mails that has brought Gore and his followers to their knees. The Washington Post has picked up on correspondence that has many of those who firmly believe that Gore is right and those who criticize are idiots, to say the least. Anyway, the e-mails that were hacked by an anti-iceberg theorist portrays leading climate warmers as "petty, vindictive, and eager to make their data fit their theories." This is serious stuff but, of course, the climate warmers are trying to knock it down as baloney. The ever-loving climate warmers in the media are trying as fas as possible to pick apart the hacker's work. It goes like this: He hacked into info from one of the leading academic centers in the field -- the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. The hacker pulled out a ton of juicy stuff, including this little nugget from the main guy in Anglia -- He bragged of completing a "trick" with recent temperature data to "hide the decline." I could go on and on but you'll probably not see much of this past this posting. That's the way these ice-warmers operate, especially with the leadership of Albert Gore, Jr. I can't wait for his stilted denial. Mr. Gore, you've got the floor and here's hoping you aren't knee-deep in one of those melting icebergs.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ABC Controversy Won't Blow Away

Much has been said about this Adam Lambert fellow on the American Music Awards. This openly homosexual performer, who lied about what he would perform to millions on ABC , set off a firestorm with his sickening show. As far as I am concerned, I will not give this idiot the pleasure of describing his madness. It should never have seen the light of day, or night. So don't ask me to do anything more than say it was disgusting. He didn't apologize; who expected him to? I can only suffice to say there was a mixed bag of reaction and ABC seemed to enjoy the outrage and controversy. Ratings, you know, will push a sagging network of doing whatever is possible. I hope ABC suffers greatly and one thing is certain: It shows how low television has sunk.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Only Money

President Obama must think he's working from a Monopoly board. Maybe he doesn't understand the net-sum game, but, then again, he came into the White House with virtually no experience and he now listens too much to the wrong people. But, worry not because those who have his ear, evne though say there is no concern, even though this president has shattered the budget record for first-timers sitting in the Oval Office. You think I'm kidding. The figures are in and they don't lie, even if the president does. Obama has spent nearly double what his predecessors have exceeded the first-year tabs for any U.S. president in history. Here's a fiscal breakdown: $3.52 trillion in 2000 dollars. The national debt now exceeds $12 trillion. Now we know Now I know the defenders of this president say this is merely Republican sniping. Wrong. And they know their defense is wrong. It's because President Bush left us in the toilet, they say. Wrong again. This is Obama's time. Drop the excuses. I've told you that there is a group of liberals and Hollywood types and members of Congress who will do everything in their power to keep Obama from failing. I now once again predict you are on the verge of seeing a massive attempt at saving him, even if he tries to spend us into oblivion. Fortunately, there are many in this country who are tired of the defend-Obama-at-all-costs mentality and they are starting to peel off. Obama, according to Gallup, has fallen among whites to 39 percent. It has fallen in all sub-sets, according to Gallup, with the exception of blacks. It can only get worse....and it almost certainly will. Have you ever seen a Democrat, particularly the liberal-type, who didn't like a tax? Well, sit down. Nice and comfortable, are you? Here's the hammer that no headache will fix: Americans could pay billions of dollars more in nex taxes for several years before you could see any major change in the nation's healthcare under what's moving through the Congress. What, me worry?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jerks And Their Friends........

My list of Jerks keeps growing and that's because there are so many liberals out there who have earned our "praise." ........Welcome to "Jerksville," Congressman Steve Cohen. This snide little person held a townhall meeting in Memphis Saturday and the prime subject was the health care controversy. After the meeting, Cohen couldn't help himself when he said he thought there would be more opponents of the health care bills floating around: "Maybe their GPS doesn't track Whitehaven." I'm sure there was laughter after that "gem," which is so typical for this Jerk......Next "Jerk" locally is Morning Publication editorial page editor Otis Sanford. Seems he is hacked off that people have been calling him on his BlackBerry and letting him have it with what they see as his support of health care. Well, that's the price you pay, Mr. Sanford, in his attempt to cut off anti- health care calls. Mr. Sanford, you're the editorial page editor, grow up. You're acting like a 2-year-old who doesn't want to be bothered. You are truly a "Jerk." Here's hoping he continues to be swamped with calls. It's the American way, right?......Oh, you'll love this one. Our wandering President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has had a lengthy discussion of the nuclear disarmament treaty. This is a real joke. Know where the real Russian power was? Vladimir Putin was in some kind of dance competition. Mr. Putin, as usual, keeps Mr. Obama at arms length and we make it look like Obama is in there with the First Team. Far from it. ........U.S. Atty. General Eric Holder, on his own, apparently decided to hold the trial for five Muslim scumbags, one of which was the mastermind of taking down the Twin Towers in New York, mere blocks from where the Towers were. Guess President Obama, who is a micromanager like you have never seen, didn't want his fingertips on this hot potato. If this doesn't work, and it has a good chance of falling apart, Obama can throw Holder to the wolves. ...... One of the most shameful things I keep hearing is our denial macnine being in full operation when discussing anything Muslim. Talk about political correctness. This is shameful. The Ft. Hood shooter should have been taken care of long . ....... I just laugh when the idea that the government is fully capable of handling the operation of the health care option. You've got to be kidding! One of the things the libs always use in defending its involvement in the option being in play is Medicare success. Oh, sure This is insane. A new report is out that says Medicare fraud is up and it's going to hit taxpayers in the, ah, backside......If you didn't know it, the Obama administration has put off any immigration bills until 2010. Amnesty for over 12 million illegals is coming, make no mistaked about it. Until this is changed, my main point is the word that comes first in this dialog and reality: ILLEGAL. Get it: ILLEGAL! Funny how these things change simply because of politicians.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What A Load Of Crap!

He's done it again! President Obama, when out of this country meeting with leaders, bows in a greeting that makes me outraged. He did it to the Emperor Akihito just the other day; he's done it to the Saudi Arabian leader; also to Queen Elizabeth. Enough already, Mr. President. This is embarrassing. No U.S. President should bow to a foreign leader. Ever! They should bow to our leader.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Honor Vets EVERY Day

Veterans Day is a celebration of the U.S. military. We owe all of them, past and present, more than we can ever, ever repay. One thing we can do is to celebrate veterans EVERY day. Let's do it. It's the least we could do.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Democrats have bulldozed their way to what all good Liberals want, government control of healthcare. I would offer my sympathy for this 2,000, page trillion-dollar monster, but that would put me in the category of being a hypocrite. The truth is simple: This will ultimately fail, trust me, if it reaches fruition, just likethe Great Society, and so many other "liberal dreams" of making our lives better. You know it, if you're honest, that liberals invented printed money; it's to play with and means no big deal if it costs what can't be paid for at the end of the nightmare. Mark it down: Your children's children will rue the day this monster takes life. Here's hoping it fails along the way. There's one other part of the "monster" and it deals with President Obama: I'll bet he will take whatever reaches his desk, no matter how weak it becomes as our "drunk" liberals gloat. behind him at the signing. Now I'll leave you with this early input I saw from a liberal supporter (and it must have gagged this rag he works at to have to admit it: Is it true that this measure would create a federally regulated marketplace where consumers could shop for coverage? Is it true that the bill's most controverial provision, the government would sell insurance with the Congressional Budget Office forecasts that premiums for it would be more expensive than for politices sold by private companies? These are only a small portion of questions in a bill that weights about 20 pounds and I'm already sick. Is there a doctor in the House?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Don't Shed One Single Tear For This Sympathizer

The Ft. Hood carnage has brought out one thing that may haunt us forever: Why did the U.S. military wait until it was too late to save all those soldiers who gave their lives because of one worthless Islamic sympathizer? The danger signals were all over the place, according to numerous revelations. So if President Obama can be super sympaththetic to the Muslim world, why can't the U.S. follow the lead of the Commander-in-Chief, right? I just hope our Apologist-in-Chief still believes we've got to make peace with these people who hate us. All of this makes me sick, to be perfectly frank. Now we are left to deal with the loss of life of so many who were defenseless. Now I hope those who failed to deal with this lunatic realize they helped this tragedy to happen and, unfortunately, they waited too late. This will forever be unforgiveable. My prayers go out to those who lost their lives because of this deranged Muslim. I leave you this sobering reality from the Middle East to the West: Blood is thicker than water.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Of Course It's About The President.....Duh!

Yesterday's results in some key states has Democrats rushing for the nearest microphone and literally screaming the results of Dems losing the governorships in New Jersey and Virginia was not about President Obama. Oh, really? Well, forget that the president was holed up in the White House watching an NBA game, or that the First Lady was not yapping that her husband wasn't running. So? Of course Obama's one-year in office is not going well. Remember that old line, if it's not about the money, it's about the money? Well, if it's not about the president, it's about the president. Plain and simple. This had the ring of Obama's open-check way of dealing with OUR money. The president and his vice-president spend enough time in New Jersey to qualify they to vote. So, puhleeze, admit it. Oh, the Republicans lost a U.S. House seat in upstate New York for the first time ever, but it took a moderate-liberal Republican to hand the victory to a Democrat. The lady in question had her feelings hurt because she's on the wrong side of a lot of issues: abortion being one of them. What does all of this mean? People are angry, really angry, and that includes a lot of independents. If it's not about the president, rest assured it is about the president.

Blow Up Public Education NOW

More bad news for Memphis City Schools in the most recent evaluation of said educational hope. Is there any hope left? I think not. This is going to take a country-wide realization that public education DOES NOT WORK, I repeat public education DOES NOT work. It will never work in its current form and it's past time accepting the norm. Don't you think?