Friday, November 27, 2009

Wonder How Gore Will Spin This?

I've always been lukewarm about the melting icecaps gobbling up New York City and Florida, or fill in the blank. Now there is a major development that at the very least will embarrass the major iceberg huckster of all time -- Albert Gore, Jr. I could not wait to send this your way and to tell you what I've have said all along -- follow the money. Gore, a fraud AND huckster, has become rich with his meandering that the seas and icebergs in it or doomed. Naturally, we are doomed with it, according to Gore and his minions. Now the rush is on to laugh at some purloined e-mails that has brought Gore and his followers to their knees. The Washington Post has picked up on correspondence that has many of those who firmly believe that Gore is right and those who criticize are idiots, to say the least. Anyway, the e-mails that were hacked by an anti-iceberg theorist portrays leading climate warmers as "petty, vindictive, and eager to make their data fit their theories." This is serious stuff but, of course, the climate warmers are trying to knock it down as baloney. The ever-loving climate warmers in the media are trying as fas as possible to pick apart the hacker's work. It goes like this: He hacked into info from one of the leading academic centers in the field -- the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. The hacker pulled out a ton of juicy stuff, including this little nugget from the main guy in Anglia -- He bragged of completing a "trick" with recent temperature data to "hide the decline." I could go on and on but you'll probably not see much of this past this posting. That's the way these ice-warmers operate, especially with the leadership of Albert Gore, Jr. I can't wait for his stilted denial. Mr. Gore, you've got the floor and here's hoping you aren't knee-deep in one of those melting icebergs.

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