Monday, June 29, 2009

My Turn..........

Michael Jackson is gone, but the freakish nature of this entertainment machine will be with us for some time. It's interesting -- sad, really -- to watch his father and the usual hangers-on who come out at night to play leading roles. The usual bunch, I might add. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton.
It's really quite absurd. Sick may be a better descriptive evaluation.
I know Jackson was a money-making machine from the time he was 5, but it's quite hard to feel anything for the fellow with his personal background. Parents being bought off and millions, even billions, looking past his sick behavior behind closed doors. Money will buy you a lot of things and it clearly needed with Jackson on the loose, isn't it?

Have you noticed this campaign on the part of many Memphians who are painting a picture of the city that simply is amazing to me. I think it's a matter of trying to convince people that what you see and hear about crime and lousy public education is a figment of one's mind. Don't believe it. Many of these individual are the ones who have fought so hard against having a permit to carry a weapon. You know it and I know it. Don't buy into it, at least if you want to be as safe as possible.

Oh, the "King" Willie saga! Will this fellow ever go away? Probably not. But I still say he will defeat Congressman Steve Cohen in the 9th District. Cohen has never faced anyone like Herenton. Race will dominate whether you like it or not. Herenton won't hesitate to get as dirty as necessary to win.

1 comment:

  1. Herenton may not win if there are several other viable black canidates who would split up the votes, giving Cohen the majority. But I would rather Herenton win and finally get him out of Memphis for a while. He is certainly not as liberal as Cohen and he would be utterly useless in Congress. At least he would not be comparing Obama and Jesus as community organizers!
