Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh, No...Say It Isn't So For Another 'Bailout'

There's another stupid bailout coming soon and, yes, the man fixated on the idea is none other than President Barack Obama. I kid you not. Newspapers need to be saved, Democrats say, and the President is just the man to do it. Obama seems keen to the idea of giving struggling newspapers tax breaks. He got things started with the auto industry, so naturally I knew it wouldn't stop there. Anyway, there's a Senate bill -- S.673 -- now in the hopper. It's called the "Newspaper Revitalization Act." Two noted Senate liberals Ben Cardin from Maryland and his colleague Barbara Mikulski are pushing it. They seem to have Obama's ear. Now think of it: Liberals control the Senate and House and this would amount to a more cozy relationship with the mainstream media, heavily liberal as well. Come to think of it, that's what we have now and have always had, right? Makes me sick to my stomach. I'm dead-set against it and newspapers don't deserve to be saved. Think they won't return the favors even more toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

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