Thursday, July 23, 2009

How About An Apology?

Now that the truth has come out involving a Harvard professor and a police officer , it would be appropriate to ask for apologies.
No. 1 – The President of the United States;
No. 2—Professor Gates.
Shame on both of them for elevating race into the officer’s investigation of a burglary call that, naturally, brought race into it.
President Obama not only pushed the race issue brought up by, you guessed it, the professor, he escalated the furor by saying the officer reacted stupidly.
Neither the President or Gates, who obviously has a chip on his shoulder, seem to get the point that they – not the officer – are responsible for this racial episode. Period. I’m sick and tired of this kind of attitude when the poor officer was doing his job. Here’s what happened. Professor Gates was trying to get into his home and was having a difficult time because the door was jammed. His driver tried to assist him and that’s when a call to police from one of Gates’ neighbors went out to police that a burglary was in motion.
The officer responded and that lit the fireworks went off almost immediately. One thing led to another and when Gates made a racial remark. The officer, mind you, is white. Gates ultimately was handcuffed, taken downtown and photographed. Things really went off the deep end after that.
Gates demanded an apology after charges were dropped and the President came to his side, even saying the officer reacted “stupidly.” His words; the President’s words! Can you believe it?
President Obama admitted he didn’t have all the facts at a press conference, and even added to his botched job with those words. Therefore, I have no reservation in describing this mess by saying he should apologize.
Anyway, a little more patience would have told Gates and the President of his outstanding background, especially in the area of racial profiling. He heads up the department’s handling of racial profiling and any officer has to go through intensive training in this area.
Now, let me add that the officer has said he will not ever apologize. I don’t think he has to, do you? He handled it in textbook fashion. He’s made the right call, at least from where I sit. And his fellow officers – both black and white – gave him straight A’s as well.
Now if he can just get those two apologies.


  1. Gates should apologize for being arrested??? Look, Mike I know you're a little slow in the head, but seriously? Christ, I'm glad you're off the air.

  2. Gates "breaking the law" & "causing a ruckus" within the boundaries of his personal property...I actually had to read your post twice to make sure I didn't imagine something so inane.

    Sharon, you're too precious. I eagerly await your insight on Mike's next hilarious blog entry on birth certificates or how Sarah Palin can save America or something equally stupid
